
  • 1114 Palmetto Suitee 201
  • Melbourne, Florida, 32901
  • Соединети Американски Држави
  • Тел:1-321-7774248
  • Факс:1-321-9841093
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Aroma Dough, Inc. , invented in 1992 by California moms Diane Scott and Maryanne Gallagher, is the original aroma infused natural play dough that kids, parents and teachers love. Using the power of aroma derived from flowers, plants and fruits from nature, not only is Aroma Dough play dough fun for kids, but our specially formulated play dough can lift spirits, calm overtired kids and aid in concentration and allow hours of fun play simultaneously! At Aroma Dough, we only use 100% child safe, natural ingredients. We offer two formulas, our Original Formula developed in 1992 offering eight aroma infused playdoughs with natural oils and our new Organic, Gluten-Free play dough for children with Celiac's Disease, ADHD, Autism or other wheat allergies. Product conforms to ASTM-D4236, non-toxic. Made in the U. S. A.

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