Search Results for: Çaj
Kompanitë e gjetura
Chai is a slow food. Take time to prepare it well. Savor it. Let your mind rest while you drink it. And, of course, start with the perfect concentrate – one that is brewed with a healthy respect for t... Lexo më shumë »
- Pije çaj | Çaj, Rooibos / Masai bush | Pije | Pije çaj flluskë | Çaj akull | Pije e butë të prodhuesit | Ekspor...
- Delta
- Kanada
Strictly natural roasting processes, skilful and balanced selection and mixing of the best coffees in the world is the best way of producing a truly excellent coffee. he pursuit of quality requires... Lexo më shumë »
- , Tea leaf | Tea, thyer | Çaj, fannings | Pluhuri Tea | Tea, i zi (i fermentuar) | Tea, jeshile (pafermentuara) | Tea, ...
- Foscarini
- Itali
Shijiyuan Tea Industry Co. Ltd., established in Shekou Town Fu An City, Fujian Province in April 2006, is an family owned enterprises that integrates tea-planting processing and sales. Fujian in... Lexo më shumë »
- Çaj jeshil | Çaj | Çaj të bardhë | Barut | Tea, e gjelbër | Çaji jeshil me jasemini | Çaj me shumicë
- 宁德市 福安市
- Kinë
1. Gross Domestic Products (GDP) Growth
2013/’s GDP achieves an estimated growth of 5.42 percent against 2012, of which GDP in the first quarter increased by 4.76%, by 5.00% in the second quarter, ... Lexo më shumë »
- Rajs, organike | Misër | Speca | Shallots | Coconuts | Arra shqeme | Coconuts dhe copra | Arra dhe kernelit | Arra ...
- Ho Chi Minh
Bhaskar and Daksha’s ancestry is from Gujarat and Rajesthan in India, although both were born and raised in Africa.
From Africa, Daksha moved to England and Bhaskar moved to Canada. They met in E... Lexo më shumë »
- Çaj, indian | Erëza dhe barëra, të përpunuara | Erëza | Farat e susamit, kuzhinës | Erëza, të përziera | Kerri pluhur | ...
- Williams Lake
- Kanada
We are a liquidation center that sell brand name clothing like liz claiborne, lady hathaway, arrow, dockers, Ocean pacific, friends II and more.
All clothing is new with tag. Cost per item from $2... Lexo më shumë »
- Qershi të freskëta | Sheqeros | Teas barishte | Ushqim rostiçeri | Snacks | Spec djegës | Salcë
- Vaudreuil - Dorion
- Kanada
Fair Trade Importer of coffee, tea, coconut oil, dried tropical fruit, vanilla beans and cane sugar. We work directly with small scale farmers and producers with unique, high quality products.
- Fasule kafeje | Vaj kokosit | Çaj | Kafe, african | Pije | Ushqim rostiçeri | Tharë Ushqim | Fruta të thata | Thartiçkë ...
- Victoria
- Kanada
About Us
Herbalaya, founded in 2013, is the most profound provider of a gamut of herbal products. We are one of the manufacturer and supplier of herbal based cosmetics, health care, food... Lexo më shumë »
- Supave | Sapun | Teas bimor dhe fruta | Produkte bukurie
- Rajapalayam
- Indi
Welcome To Nile Herbal Website, We're a very fast growing company in the agriculture fields, Our Mission is always to make your life more better by serving the market needs of agricultural... Lexo më shumë »
- Çaj, hibiscus | Erëza | Herbs | Mint (çamçakëz me mente), të përpunuara | Fara qimnon, kuzhinës | Fara majdanoz vaj | Ça...
- ابشواى
- Egjipt
Golvar Co. is one of the most leading companies dealt in exports and imports affairs in Iran, having left a brilliant achievement records remained in effect yet. Our company has been active in all... Lexo më shumë »
- Teabags | Pije çaj | Tea në qese çaj | Çaj | Çanta dhe thasë, poliamide / najloni | Këna dhe këna produkteve
- Yazd
Since 2016, Back Yard Brew has been delighting taste buds with our signature coffee and tea blends. As a beloved local spot, we're committed to crafting exceptional beverages that bring comfort... Lexo më shumë »
- Fasule kafeje | Çaj | Çaj jeshil | Çaj Zi | Oolong çaj | Pu'er çaj | Çaj të bardhë | TEAS bimor, përzier | Fasule kafeje...
- Charlotte
- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Podravka's vision is to become the leading food company in terms of innovation, knowledge, consumer relations and revenue among companies based in the region of Southeast, Central and Eastern... Lexo më shumë »
- Scratchings derri | Strudels | Mbushjet, e ëmbël, tortë dhe ëmbëlsira | Ëmbëlsira fryrë oriz | , Bukë gluten free | Bukë...
- Koprivnica
- Kroaci
Penguen was established in 1989 located in Bursa, Turkey. Annual turnover is 35 mio EUR.70% of total production is exported, mainly to EU. Expertise in pickles, jams and frozen fruits, frozen... Lexo më shumë »
- Blerja e agjentëve, mish, peshk lojë, dhe sende ushqimore | Blerja e agjentëve, pije, pije të buta dhe birrë | Blerja e ...
- Bursa
- Turqi
Evolution is family owned and operated! The origin of our company goes all the way back to 1969 in Austin, TX - with Phil blowing glass in his garage. Always evolving, he quickly grew the company... Lexo më shumë »
- Çaj | TEAS bimor, përzier | Herbs | Burners temjan | Temjan | Mbajtësit temjan, metal, artistike | Pipat e duhanit | Pi...
- Austin
- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Our company provides export services to Russian companies, the government of the Russian Federation pays for our services, we do not take commissions and do not include the cost of our services in... Lexo më shumë »
- TEAS bimor, përzier | Haute Couture - gra | Çizme gju | Medicinale TEAS | Mineral dhe pleh organik
- Magnitogorsk
- Rusi
Blue Teapot - Any Time is Tea Time!
Black teas, Green teas, White teas, Rooibos teas, Honeybush teas, Oolong teas, Herbal teas, Maté teas, Fruit teas, Organic teas, Herbs, Honey, Tea ware and ... Lexo më shumë »
- , Tea leaf | Tea, organike | , Çaj të zi ose të gjelbër, salcë | Çaj jeshil | Çaj Zi | Çaj | Çaj të bardhë | Tea, bimor ...
- North Vancouver
- Kanada
China Talento (Group) Ltd existes more than 10 years, which is specialized in the exportation of China green tea, food, commodity, textile, furniture, etc.
Why choose ChinaTalento?
Competitive... Lexo më shumë »
- Xhenxhefil të freskët | Peshk | Produktet e drithërave trashë | Çaj jeshil | Çaj Zi | Oolong çaj | Pu'er çaj | Hollim ça...
- Hangzhou
- Kinë
We Bhaboo Enterprises located at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India are a well known manufacturer, fined processed exporter of multi-commodities. We have large line varieties of commodities for export... Lexo më shumë »
- Pambuk | Li | Rami | Kallam bambu | Reed kallam | Kallam bastun prej palme kacavjerrëse dhe typhia | Palm lë | B...
- Guntur
- Indi
We are indeed very glad to introduce VOLGAA AGRO as one of the leading Importer Exporter, Trader, Stockiest of all kind of Agro Products other kinds of Manufactured processed products... Lexo më shumë »
- Shërbimet bujqësore | Fara | Fasule organike | Banane | Pineapples | Mangoes | Datat | Avocados | Babaco | Durians
- New Delhi
- Indi
DANTA HERBS is the online shopping store for Best Garden Fresh Loose Leaf Indian Tea. Check out our vast collection of teas to buy Blue Tea online at the lowest price. To buy it, go to our website... Lexo më shumë »
- Teabags | Çaj | Tea, thyer | Tea në tins | Çaj jeshil | Çaj Zi | Çaj të bardhë | Çaj Verdha | Çaj jasemini | Tea, e zezë...
- Siliguri
- Indi
Case Bianche cellars and Col Sandago Estate are the fruit of Martino Zanetti great passion for this generous and affable land, they born between Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, in the heart of Prosecco... Lexo më shumë »
- Prodhimi dhe përpunimi alkolike shpirti konsulentët | Prodhimi i verës dhe përpunimi konsulentët | Dhoma Tea | , Tea lea...
- Susegana
- Itali
Weikfield: Crafting Delicious Food Products. Indulge in our delectable range of culinary delights. Savor the flavors that inspire joy and satisfy taste buds.
Who doesn’t love pasta? Be it penne p... Lexo më shumë »
- Bollgur | Miell dhe bollgur | , Niseshte gruri | Niseshte | Miell misri | Kakao pluhur | Pirja e çokollatë | Kakao dhe p...
- Pune
- Indi
Bio Herb Egypt is a newly established company in 2009 aiming to build a good reputation in the field of exporting all kinds of organic and non-organic Egyptian dried seeds, herbs, and some dehydrated... Lexo më shumë »
- Vajra vegjetale | Oil, liri, ngrënshëm | Tea, bimor | Tea, karamele mente | , Çaj kamomil | Çaj, hibiscus | TEAS bimor, ...
- Fayoum
- Egjipt
We, bosung greentea farms incorporation, are located in Bosung gun, called the capital of green tea in South Korea since 1999, We specialized in manufacturing green tea, beverage, green tea oil
We... Lexo më shumë »
- Ullinjtë Fresh | Vaj ulliri | , Tea leaf | Tea, thyer | Çaj, fannings | Pluhuri Tea | Tea, i zi (i fermentuar) | Tea, j...
- Bosung-Gun
- Koreja e Jugut
Earth Coffee is fair trade, certified organic coffee. Sourced from Central and South America
and Eastern Africa. Current roasts include dark, medium, espresso and decaf. With Earth
Coffee being... Lexo më shumë »
- Tea, organike | Çaj | , Kafe organike | Ujërat minerale, natyrore | Kafe organike | Kafe natyrore skuqur | Kafe
- Edmonton
- Kanada
A wholly Canadian owned trading and import company that brings in the world’s unique food products into Canada, such as Nekta Kiwifruit juice and Waiwera Infinity Water from New Zealand. Furthermore, ... Lexo më shumë »
- Gatim naftës | Çaj | Sauces | Ujërat minerale | Pije | Çaj akull | Snacks | Tharë Ushqim | Lëngje, frutave dhe perimeve ...
- Delta
- Kanada
Consulting trading, Investment, import & export, business registration in the Netherlands, finding Dutch suppliers and products for export and distribution
Dutch Trade Office collect a global... Lexo më shumë »
- Fara lule | Farat e susamit | Llamba lule, fara dhe fidane | Llamba Lule | Farërat | Fidanë lulesh | Zhardhoket C...
- Amsterdam
- Vendet e Ulëta
QuikTea - Get your favorite chai tea in an instant, ready in seconds, Instant chai tea, Chai Tea Lattes, Coffee Lattes, Loose Leaf Teas, Teabags - delicious, quick and easy chai drinks. We made our... Lexo më shumë »
- Teabags | Infusions bimor | Përgatitjet e çajit ose matesë | Pije çaj
- Edison
- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
LFB's activities started in 1995 as consulting services for plants, teas, accessories and related products. The company rapidly gained a solid reputation by developing its business on an... Lexo më shumë »
- Çaj Zi | Çaj | Kafja dhe çaji | Ushqime dietik dhe organike | Bimët dhe bimeve, medicinale | Produkte bukurie
- Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
- Zvicër
HX EXP INT'L Company, would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of coffee, tea suppliers. . . from Vietnam.
Our products with special emphasis on quality to meet the... Lexo më shumë »
- Bujqësia përpunimin e produkteve | Mbeturinave bujqësore | Fara | Arra shqeme | Coconuts Fresh | Sepje | Çaj Zi | Fas...
- Ho Chi Minh