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Knives for cloth
Knives, circular
Knives with retractable blades
Knives, security, button operated retractable blade
Knives with metal detectable plastic (MDP) body
Knives, bar
Knives, army, multifunctional
Daggers, fighting knives and commando knives
Fencing foils, sabres and epees
Swords, cutlasses
Knives with sharpening cases
Knives, sheath
Knives for coopers
Knives for gilders
Knives for electricians
Knives for farriers
Knives for furriers
Knives for plumbers
Knives for draughtsmen
Knives for fishermen and seamen
Knives for the food industry
Knives, palette, for artists
Draw knives for carpenters
Knives, heated, for cutting and sealing
Knives, shoe, strap and saddlery
Knives, carpet and linoleum
Knives, hacking, putty, for glaziers
Filing bands, band knives
Knives for the disabled
Knives, dog hair stripping
Knives, hunting
Hammers, joinery
Hammers, adze eye
Mallets for joiners and wood carvers
Spokeshaves, woodworking
Scrapers, woodworking
Broaches, woodworking
Files and rasps, woodworking
Hand planes, metal, woodworking
Chisels and gouges, wood carving
Chisels and gouges, wood turning
Awls, bradawls, gimlets and augers, carpentry
Carpenters braces (drills)
Drill bits for wood
Dies, woodworking
Mitre blocks/boxes for woodworkers
Router planes, woodworking
Planes for laminates
Squares and bevel squares for joiners
Scribers and scribing blocks, woodworking
Gauges, marking, mortising and cutting, for woodworkers
Wedges, timber splitting
Adzes and hatchets
Presses and cramps, woodworking
Tools for coopers
Tool sets for carpenters
Tool sets for wood carvers
Tool sets, parquet laying
Tool kits, woodworking, non-professional
Hammers for bricklayers and slaters
Trowels for bricklayers
Floats for plasterers
Brick bolsters (chisels)
Levers and pliers for bricklayers
Drills for bricklayers
Lifting tongs for bricks or blocks
Jointers for bricklayers
Hatchets for masons
Augers, post hole or earth
Rollers, grooving and granulating, for concrete floors
Graining combs for plasterers
Hods for bricklayers
Hawks for plasterers
Mortar boxes
Buckets/pails for bricklayers
Shovels for builders
Shovels, electrically insulated
Rakes and forks for builders
Sieves for bricklayers
Rammers and paviors for builders
Wall plugging tools
Fencing post drivers, hand operated
Plumb bobs for builders
Squares and rulers for bricklayers
Chalk line reels and builders lines
Drain rods and fittings
Flexible drives, tube cleaning
Chimney sweep rods
Hand tools for demolition equipment, bulldozers
Sledgehammers and mallets
Picks, pickaxes and mattocks
Planing machines, single face, woodworking
Planing machines, multi-face, woodworking
Grooving machines, woodworking
Planing and thicknessing machines, woodworking
Welding machines, electron beam, high vacuum
Welding machines, electronic, precision, for metals
Welding machines and equipment, laser
Welding machines, ultrasonic, for metals
Laser remote welding systems (RWS) for metals
Laser - cutting and welding machines