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Industrial equipment hire
Bladders, pipe purge, metal welding
Accessories and equipment for spot and resistance welding machines
Transfer equipment, automatic, for welding machines
Weld monitoring and alarm systems, continuous
Control and regulation equipment, automatic, for spot welding
Spot welding guns and controls, pneumatic, hydraulic
Monitors, automatic, resistance welding quality control
Electrode pressure measuring devices, resistance welding
Electrode holders, welding
Driers for welding electrodes
Turntables, welders'
Welding platens
Welding booths and screens/curtains
Welding booms
Welding blankets, surface protective, glass fibre
Manipulators and positioners, metal welding
Welding clamps for pipes
Flux feed and recovery units, metal welding
Flux ovens
Pressure reducers, oxyacetylene, metal welding
Contact tips, metal inert gas (MIG) welding
Gas economisers, metal welding
Earthing clamps, rotating, metal welding
Earthing couplings, rotating, metal welding
Benches, welding
Hose reels, welding
Spools for welding wire
Safety valves and quick connectors for oxygen and acetylene hoses, metal welding
Electrode vapour and fume exhausters for arc welding machines
Extractors, vapour, portable, metal welding
Contactors, metal welding machine
Transformer cores, metal welding machine
Supports, metal welding
Cooling systems for welding and brazing equipment
Blowpipes, brazing
Blowpipes, metal cutting
Blowpipes, preheating, metalworking
Blowpipes, metal welding
Nozzles, blowpipe, metal welding
Cleaning tools for blowpipe nozzle tips
Drives for welding machines
Workpiece positioners for soldering applications
Hot plates, metal soldering
Soldering pots
Application machines for brazing and soldering paste
Rivet heaters and brazing machines, electric
Thermic lances
Wire feed units, soldering and brazing
Grinding machines for welding electrodes
Electrode dressing tools, resistance welding
Welding enclosures, flexible plastic
Soldering fluids, salts
Brazing pastes and powders
Chemical additives for soldering and brazing
Weld monitoring and analysing equipment
Solders, gold
Solders, silver
Solders, platinum
Solders, aluminium
Solders, mercury bearing
Solders, soft
Solders, lead free
Solder paste or paints
Burning rods, lead
Brazing solders and alloys
Powders, brazing alloy
Brazing powders, gold and silver
Brazing paste, gold and silver
Filler metals, ferrous, welding
Filler metals, non-ferrous, welding
Filler alloys, welding
Fusible alloys, solidus
Fusible alloys, bismuth based
Fusible alloys, ferrous
Fusible alloys, non-ferrous
Solders, wire, solid
Solders, bar
Solders, ribbon and strip
Solders, jointing ring
Solders, ingot
Solders, blowpipe
Solders, motor body patching
Solders for electronic applications
Solders, wire, for printed circuit boards (PCBs)