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Electrodes, spark erosion, carbon
Electrodes, metal melting and refining, carbon
Electrodes, electric furnace, carbon
Electrodes, carbon, for mercury arc rectifiers
Electrodes, earthing, carbon
Anodes, carbon, for aluminium
Anodes, carbon, for galvanising
Anodes, carbon, for cathodic protection
Carbon components for nuclear engineering equipment
Activated carbon
Carbon, artificial
Carbon for filters
Carbon for arc lamps
Vat and tank linings, carbon
Lift guides, lift shoes, carbon
Linings, carbon, for furnaces
Furnace elements, carbon
Current collectors, carbon, for railway, tram and crane pantographs
Carbon products, chemical resistant, anti-corrosive
Arc carbons, cinema, photographic
Arc carbons, industrial
Arc carbons, lighting
Carbon, foaming
Carbons and powders, spectrography
Carbon and carbon products for batteries
Carbon products for rheostats
Carbon products for foundry use
Carbon products for the rubber industry
Carbon products for the telephone industry
Carbon products for the radio industry
Carbon products for the chemical industry
Carbon products for laboratory use
Carbon products for the electrical industry
Carbon products for the iron and steel industry
Carbon products for the non-ferrous metals industry
Electrical components and parts
Carbon and graphite - electrical components