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Cameras, medical, radiological scanning
Particle accelerators for high energy radiotherapy
Colonoscopes, electro-medical
Bioelectrical impedance analysers (BIA)
Endoscopy apparatus, electro-medical
Home diagnostic instruments, body fat
Home diagnostic instruments, blood alcohol
Oscillographs, diagnostic
Microwave therapy equipment
Teleradiology systems
Cancer treatment equipment, RF thermotherapy
Actinology appliances, electro-medical
Radionuclide imaging apparatus, medical
Brilliancy amplifiers, medical and biological
Urodynamic appliances
Pelvimeters, electro-medical
Thermography equipment, medical
Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging equipment, medical
Lasers, dental
Laser sensors, patient positioning
Guidance aids, ultrasonic, for the blind
Disintegrators, ultrasonic, medical and biological
Contrast correction instruments for radiographs
Isotope therapy equipment
Cobalt-therapy apparatus
Detectors, deep vein thrombosis, nuclear medical
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) apparatus, medical
Scanners, medical diagnosis