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Locomotive rebuilding and reconditioning services
Maintenance services, light rail motor tractor
Locomotives, diesel-electric
Locomotives, diesel-hydraulic
Locomotives, diesel-mechanical
Locomotives, diesel, flameproof
Locomotives, electric
Locomotives, electric, battery
Locomotives, electric, flameproof battery
Locomotives, steam, fireless
Locomotives, steam, liquid fuel
Locomotives, steam, solid fuel
Locomotives, gas turbine
Locomotives, standard gauge
Locomotives, rack railway
Locomotives, narrow gauge (light railway)
Trains for city services
Trainsets, underground railway
Trainsets, overground railway
Trainsets/multiple unit railcars, electric
Trainsets/multiple unit railcars, diesel mechanical
Trains, personnel carrying, for mines
Locomotives, shunting, switching
Locomotives, passenger
Locomotives, freight
Locomotives, mixed traffic
Locomotives, mining
Locomotives, miniature
Trolleys, rail motor gang
Rail motor vehicles, inspection trolleys
Rolling stock breakers
Railway stock and equipment
Railcars, diesel-electric
Railcars, diesel-mechanical
Railcars, electric
Railcars, diesel-hydraulic
Metal construction, lightweight
Industrial building construction