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Repair services, industrial gloves
Work clothes - for hire
Ladders, wooden, portable
Ladders, wooden, retractable
Ladders, sliding, wooden, for libraries and shops
Firemen's ladders, wooden
Revolving ladders, wooden, vehicle mounted
Sewer ladders and grips, wooden
Ladders, aluminium and light alloy
Ladders, metal, extension
Ladders, metal, telescopic
Ladders, metal, portable
Ladders, metal, loft
Stepladders, aluminium, mobile
Scaffolding for slaters
Scaffolding, ladder type
Step stools, wooden
Stepladders, wooden
Hammers for bricklayers and slaters
Trowels for bricklayers
Floats for plasterers
Brick bolsters (chisels)
Levers and pliers for bricklayers
Drills for bricklayers
Lifting tongs for bricks or blocks
Jointers for bricklayers
Hatchets for masons
Augers, post hole or earth
Rollers, grooving and granulating, for concrete floors
Graining combs for plasterers
Hods for bricklayers
Hawks for plasterers
Mortar boxes
Buckets/pails for bricklayers
Shovels for builders
Shovels, electrically insulated
Rakes and forks for builders
Sieves for bricklayers
Rammers and paviors for builders
Wall plugging tools
Fencing post drivers, hand operated
Plumb bobs for builders
Squares and rulers for bricklayers
Chalk line reels and builders lines
Drain rods and fittings
Flexible drives, tube cleaning
Chimney sweep rods
Hand tools for demolition equipment, bulldozers
Overalls and aprons
Aprons, plastic, for food industry workers
Aprons and pinafores for ladies
Dungarees and work trousers
Overalls, protective, thermal
Overalls for shop assistants
Overalls for ladies
Coats and jackets, protective
Laboratory coats
Chefs' hats, disposable, paper
Aprons, disposable, paper
Armguards, leg guards and kneecaps, protective, industrial
Overalls, industrial
Oversleeves (sleeve protectors), plastic
Suits, inflatable, protective
Aprons, protective, industrial
Clothing, protective, disposable
Clothing, protective, nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC)
Clothing, protective, electrically heated
Clothing, protective, slip resistant
Clothing, protective, anti-glare
Waistcoats, protective, fluorescent
Clothing, protective, high visibility and reflective
Clothing, protective, for bomb disposal personnel
Clothing, protective, for astronauts
Clothing, protective, for pilots
Clothing, protective, for public services workers
Clothing, protective, for dog trainers
Clothing, protective, for sailors
Clothing, protective, for forestry workers
Clothing, protective, for welders
Clothing, protective, for electricians
Clothing, protective, for iron and steel workers
Clothing, protective, for bee-keepers
Clothing, protective, for refrigeration workers
Footwear covers, disposable
Clothing, protective, for miners
Protective and work clothing
Headgear, protective and hygienic, for ladies
Hoods (headgear), protective
Over-trousers, waders and leggings, protective
Gauntlets, dry-box
Gloves for clean room applications
Gloves, protective, nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC)
Gloves for welders
Caps and hats, disposable
Immersion suits/survival suits, neoprene/polychloroprene
Clothing, protective, for hospital workers
Clothing, protective, for firemen