Otsingu tulemused: Konverentside korraldajad
Leitud 5 ettevõttedEelistatud nimekirjad on seotud: Konverentside korraldajad
OrchIDEE Africa is a company provides consultancy services to companies from Africa and MENA countries to connect and support them in cooperation with companies from Russia. Our company has offices... Loe edasi »
- Hotelli konverentsiteenused | Konverentside korraldamine | Konverentsikeskused | Konverentsiruumide reserveerimine |...
- Rabat
- Maroko
The refurbished QEII Centre is the largest dedicated conference, events and exhibition space in central London. Located in Westminster, the venue offers world class facilities for high profile... Loe edasi »
- Ürituste korraldamisega seotud teenused | Ürituste korraldamisega seotud teenused | Konverentside korraldajad | K...
- London
- Suurbritannia
Event Management
Stage Lighting
Stage Hire
mobile power
Sound Systems
PA Systems
Marquee Hire
Medical Cover
Bar Hire.
dj hire
heating & cooling
corporate events
- Hotelli konverentsiteenused | Koolitusseminarid | Moeetenduste organiseerimisteenused | Ürituste korraldamisega seotud ...
- Lochgelly
- Suurbritannia