نتایج جستجو برای: قند
شرکت 3791 یافتدسته های مرتبط
Where we are:
Ecobuddy exports, based at chennai, india.
What we do:
Ecobuddy exports is in the business of manufacturing exporting natural organic sweetner fiber products.
Ecobuddy exports... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Chennai
- هند
We are professional and well established INDIA-base company.
We have been experiencing for years in manufacturing
Exporting full range products such as (Sugar Cubes, icing sugar, custard powder... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Indore
- هند
We are a sourcing trading company dealing in metal bussiness past 15 years.
Our clients are associated with us past many years and they are located in diffrent parts of the globe.
As per there... ادامه مطلب »
- پنبه خام | پودر | قند
- Bhatinda.
- هند
Founded in 2004 as part of a family business dedicated since 1945 to the manufacturing and Tequila distribution.
Our Mission:
Develop for the food and beverage industries, innovative, natural, and... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Guadalajara
- مکزیک
Comercializadora San Donaro is a Mexican Company located in Guadalajara focuss on the Raw Organic Agave Nectar comercialization working under the fair trade, our family products are the light and... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Guadalajara
- مکزیک
Merkury Management Consulting in Poland / EU .
We are a boutique consultant company, focused on foreign companies entering Poland , Germany or EU. We support Polish companies specially in exports... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Olsztyn
- لهستان
Fabulous Digital was created to provide advanced rice and sugar trading services. With a combined experience of over 150 years. Our sugar traders have a diverse background of working with important... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- هنگکنگ
Our company was founded with the vision of helping many customers around the world learn and experience the great world of outsourcing. We began dealing with customers early in 2009. Then, soon... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- هنگکنگ
Evandok International trading company AB UB
Import Export of large food quantities e.g oil, salt, rice... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Jakobsberg
- سوئد
Emoyeni global is in business to promote international business and to bring profit to those who have the same business ideals. We strive to render a highly professional service noted for excellence... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- La Vall D'Alba
- اسپانیا
IDA Group, Amman, Jordan is one of the leeding companies in the regional market in Import and Export.
We run the widest and fastest business network in the middle east to supply our clients with... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Amman
- اردن
Started as a company of promotion and advertising, expanted as an trading company and for the past 4 months growing into the petrol industry. We expect during the next 4 years to expand into the... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Pafos
- قبرس
The company ceko-s. R. o. Was established in 1993. From the very beginning of its activity, its main scope of business is the production of and trade in meat.
The company has its own meat... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Svit
- اسلواکی
- قنادی | قند | کاکائو و شکلات
- Breda
- هلند
We are the manufacturer and one of the largest Exports House based in UK India. We have been serving in International market with our Product Services since more than a decade. We are mainly... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Coventry
- بریتانیا
Intercontinental consultancy services limited
Providing commerce and industry with leading expertise in international trade and project finance
Establish 2000 we secure various commodities for... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- London
- بریتانیا
We are a trading company based in Israel since 1973. The commodities we deal with are mainly Sugar, Cement, Fertilizers, Dry Milk and many others.
Our advantage over the competitors is that we own... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Brighton
- بریتانیا
International Trade Agent mainly for turkish origin dried figs, raisins, apriots
and pinenut kernels and other kernels and nuts since 1985.
Main markets are France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Izmir
- ترکیه
We started businesslife in 1945 with shipping by our ships till 1985.We started to produce automobile products and auxiliary equipment till 1989.After that we started to import/export stuff.We are... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Istanbul
- ترکیه
I would like to offer you a good product from Thailand. It is palm sugar powder. It comes in beautiful bag 200g and sachets 8g. It is easier to cook food than other palm sugar paste ever and it also... ادامه مطلب »
- قند
- Bangkok
- تایلند
- قنادی | قند | کاکائو و شکلات
- Clamart
- فرانسه
- قنادی | قند | کاکائو و شکلات
- Mulhouse
- فرانسه
- قنادی | قند | کاکائو و شکلات
- Paris
- فرانسه
- قنادی | قند | کاکائو و شکلات
- Heroldsberg
- آلمان
- قنادی | قند | کاکائو و شکلات
- Bregenz
- اتریش