Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Áburður
Fundust 3872 fyrirtækisupplyautonomy.com/deepakfertilisersandpetrochemicalcorporation.in
We are agents for environmentally friendly road dust control and road soil stabilization products in use worldwide in a wide variety of climates and industries, including mining, rural roads,... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Aðrar vörur stál
- Chapel Hill
- Bandaríkin
Our company is a newly established import and export trading company.
We carry different product lines with reasonably low prices, if not competitive since we source our products direct from... Lesa meira »
- Fresh banana | Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur | Rækjur, lítill
- Los Angeles
- Bandaríkin
We, Origbo uk Russia, are a globally renowned dynamic business entity dealing in Production and exportation of petroleum products. Established with the aim to cater to the ever increasing market... Lesa meira »
- kol | Áburður
- Moscow
- Rússland
Zoro nigtrogen Corporation deals in Urea sector as one of the largest production enterprise in Russia Federation, and is a trusted manufacturer and supplier of a comprehensive line of Urea... Lesa meira »
- Hótel þjónusta | Hráolía | Áburður | Þvagefni, þvagefni, þvagefni
- Moscow
- Rússland
Anhui ruifeng fertilizer trading co. Ltd. Is an international trading company that mainly trades and distributes chemical fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals worldwide. Its... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Sveppaeyðir
- Liuan
- Kína
Year of foundation1993
Paid capitalus$ 100.000
Type of businesstradingproject engineering
Number of employees: 11
Exports(2002)us$ 4,450,000(fourmillionfourhundredfifty)main export markets: Mid.... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Kvoða
- Istanbul
- Tyrkland
We are a direct supplier of Urea, Sugar, Metal Scrap, Cement. Our principal company is in USA who has their own operations allover the world for above products. We are looking for Thrue buyers for... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Þvagefni, þvagefni, þvagefni | Fatnaður | Viðskipti lyf
- Sharjah
- Sameinuðu arabísku furstadæmin
- Jarðhnetuolíu | Áburður | Lækninga | Fatnaður
- Kolkata
- Indland
We are the leading manufacturer of organic fertilizer in India since 1994 under the name of "TIGER" brand. We are manufacturing organic fertilizer in powder granulated forms, we are... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Annað áburður
- Junagadh
- Indland
The company with over a decade of experience, has patented a technology to produce anaerobically processed and aerobically stabilised high grade orgainc manure. The organic manure is suitable for a... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Blandaðs áburðar
- Namakkal
- Indland
Safeguarding agriculture and eco system, the moto of Advance Agro Tech; it has urbanized ecologically friendly natural formulation for peoples in fish nursing and fish culture business that... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Biological varnarefni
- Dhaka
- Bangladess
Our company based on our customers request can arrange all need of them in every field import export. Also we can arrange our main services in mineral ore, rug and carpet (machineries hand made)... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Þvagefni, þvagefni, þvagefni
- Karaj
- Íran
We would like to introduce ourselves as India based Manufacturers Exporters of Wide range of Cosmetic Toiletry products under Private Label Brands.
The Products are manufcatured from ISO 9001 ... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Baby olíu
- Mumbai
- Indland
WIN-A-CROP Hi-Yield Fertilizer DOUBLES Crop Yields and Farmers Income.
Advanced Biotech offering WIN-A-CROP Hi-Yield Promoter, Worlds latest 100% Organic product to DOUBLE the yields of Cotton,... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Plant vöxt eftirlitsstofnanna
- Visakhapatnam
- Indland
Professionally managed and empowered by highly qualified organic farming experts, Ambience Fertchem Pvt Ltd is a prominent name all over the world. We are acknowledged as a leading manufacturer and... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Sveppum | Áttfætlumauraeyðir
- Pune
- Indland
An The continuous cropping and frequent cultivation of soil result in the breaking down of crumbs of aggregates and destruction of organic matter, leading to depletion of soil fertility. Intensive... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Biological áburður
- Thane
- Indland
With our extensive networking and indepth knowledge of the developments in
chemical industry, we, at Devdhar Chemicals Private limited, are a highly
acknowledged and renowned distributor and... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Annað áburður
- Pune
- Indland
- Gámur meðhöndlun þjónustu | Úrgangspappír | Áburður | Vegasamgöngur - skipulagningar þjónustu | Tollafgreiðslu | Ýmis þr...
- Kakinada
- Indland
- Flugrekendur, lífið fram, farþega og farm | Tryggingar | Áburður | Vegasamgöngur - skipulagningar þjónustu | Ýmis þrif þ...
- Delhi
- Indland
We are Established in 1950 are in this Business since three Generation.
Our client are based all over the countries. We export to a large no. of countries
We are also a member of Spices... Lesa meira »
- Sojabaunir | Ritföng | Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Mumbai
- Indland
- Fresh banana | Kaffi, jörð | Óáfengir drykkir | Frosinn ávöxtum | Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Jaipur
- Indland
Personalised catalouge available on demand. We have been in the garment trade for the last 10 years with manufacturing facilities from cut TP pack. We have been exporting mainly to latin America ... Lesa meira »
- Soybean máltíð | Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur | Viðskipti lyf
- New Delhi
- Indland
no profile
- Áburður | Auglýsingar hönnun - grafískur listamenn og hönnuðir | Landmótun þjónustu | Interior hönnuður, þjónustu | Þurr...
- Kolkata
- Indland
- Innkaupastjóri Ráðgjafar | Frosinn ávöxtum | Áburður | Vegasamgöngur - skipulagningar þjónustu | Ýmis þrif þjónustu fyri...
- Rajkot
- Indland
Globiztar Company Limited is being established with the intention to provide the best service and product to the customer.
Apart being an reliable product supplier, we provide OEM service as to... Lesa meira »
- Gróft vörur korn | Áburður
- Bangkok
- Taíland
We are people beleiving in genuine business dealings, and prefer only genuine and serious business offers. We have a lot of clients in India, suppliers, and we ourselves are in the field of... Lesa meira »
- Agricultural Úrgangur | Áburður | Iron málmgrýti
- Jodhpur
- Indland
- Ritföng | Rafbúnað og rafeindabúnað | Áburður | Rafmagns-og rafeindabúnaði | Fatnaður
- Mumbai
- Indland
Accurately composed with precise chemical content, effectiveness, safety, etc, plant growth regulators are widely used to modify or alter the physiological processes of a plant. Sadguru Chemicals... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Indore
- Indland
We are the exporter of chili powder, ground turmeric powder, turmeric spices, spices, cooking spices, chili pepper dried red peppers, chili flakes, indian spices, curry spices, garam masala, pure... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur | Corporate & Promotional Gjafir
- Melur
- Indland