Riżultati għal: Ingotti
Kumpaniji 1778 FoundKategoriji relatati
Hydro is a Fortune 500 energy and aluminium company with 33,000 employees in nearly 40 countries. We are a leading offshore producer of oil and gas, a major aluminium supplier and a leader in the... Aqra Aktar »
- Ċomb | Żingu | Landa | Landa | Nikil | Vanadju | Manganiż | Molibdenu | Tantalu | Tangstin
- Leeds
- Ingilterra
Scrapmen was founded as an enterprise that specializes in import and export and has established it self as an international trading house.
Scrapmen handles all the deals within the south east Asia... Aqra Aktar »
- Skandju | Ittriju | Rutenju | Rodju | Iridju | Gallju | Indju | Rubidju | Ożmju | Renju
- Hamilton
- Kanada
- Tapes manjetiċi, kompjuter | Ippumpjar sistemi, vakwu għoli, għal impjant ta 'enerġija nukleari | Liegi tal-aluminju | A...
- Annecy-le-Vieux
- Franza
Laurice Lab extends a warm welcome to all viewers of our site!
We are a team of technocrats having research and development background .We specialize in sourcing the chemicals from INDIA .
We... Aqra Aktar »
- Aċidu 2,4-diklorofenoksijaċetiku u l-melħ | Urejni | Nitrofural | Nitrofurazone | Nitroindazole u derivattivi | Ni...
- Thane
- Indja
Steel supplier,specialised in high strength and abrasion restant steel plates, autogenic,plasma and laser cut.
- Ħġieġ riċiklaġġ | Polyethylene terephthalate (pet) | Plastiks ibbażati polyether | Polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe) | Klor...
- Leiderdorp
- Olanda
Nature of business D S Metals Ltd are Non-ferrous metal merchants and stockists of base metals , minor metals and whitemetal alloys. We specialise in masteralloys of Tin, Nickel, Copper, Phosphorus... Aqra Aktar »
- Ċomb | Żingu | Landa | Landa | Nikil | Vanadju | Manganiż | Molibdenu | Tantalu | Tangstin
- Wolverhampton
- Ingilterra
Manufacturers And Exporters Of Aluminium Granules, Air Atomised Aluminium Powder, Manufacturers of Aluminium Powder, Manufacturers of Atosmised Powder, Aluminium Powders, Magnesium Powders and Flakes... Aqra Aktar »
- Pajpijiet u tubi, landa | Pajpijiet u tubi, l-aluminju | Pajpijiet u tubi, tal-ħadid fondut | Pajpijiet u tubi tar-ram, ...
- Sivakasi
- Indja
- Pajpijiet u tubi, landa | Pajpijiet u tubi, l-aluminju | Pajpijiet u tubi tar-ram, | Pajpijiet u tubi, mhux tal-ħadid, ...
- Reinach
- Svizzera
- Materja prima għall-xogħlijiet ta 'kostruzzjoni u pubbliċi | Minerali kromju u minerali | Minerali kobalt u minerali | M...
- Paris
- Franza
Miniature precision pressing engineers
- Formazzjoni - azzar u metalli | Qtugħ - azzar u metalli | Skandju | Ittriju | Rutenju | Rodju | Iridju | Gallju | Indju ...
- Cirencester
- Ingilterra
Welcome to the growing world of M. A. Metal Corporation. We specialize in the manufacturing of variety of lead products. We are the chief exporters and manufacturers of superior quality lead... Aqra Aktar »
- Aċċessorji tal-pajpijiet | Pajpijiet u tubi, l-azzar | Jointing magni, shear u weldjatura, għal strixxa tal-metall | Pr...
- Mumbai
- Indja
Reis fishing is a 12 years old company, producing, exporting various fishing implements from / to all over the world. We give full support and service to our customers with our high quality products... Aqra Aktar »
- Twapet | basktijiet | Xbieki tas-sajd | Irkaptu tas-sajd | Ingotti aluminju | Ħabel, spag & Strixxi b'saħħithom
- Istanbul
- Turkija
We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves, since 1983 we are one of the leading supplier / trader / exporter of Marine Engine, Generator, Compressors, Purifiers, Turbo Chargers, Spares Parts... Aqra Aktar »
- Ġeneraturi oħrajn | Mutur elettriku | Makkinarju ieħor użat | Ingotti aluminju | Petroleum impjant ta 'raffinerija u tag...
- Bhavnagar
- Indja
Export Suppliers of metals, polymers, ceramics and other materials to meet the research, development and specialist production requirements of science and industry worldwide. Advanced materials and... Aqra Aktar »
- Skandju | Ittriju | Rutenju | Rodju | Iridju | Gallju | Indju | Rubidju | Ożmju | Renju
- Huntingdon
- Ingilterra
Gravita India Limited is the flag ship company of Gravita Group who are leaders in manufacturing of Lead metal and its allied products and also providing Turnkey solutions for Lead... Aqra Aktar »
- Pharmaceutical bijoteknoloġiċi / aħmar impjant bijoteknoloġiċi u tagħmir, proġetti turnkey | Konsultazzjoni tat-te...
- Jaipur
- Indja
Manufacturers and Suppliers of Welding Equipments including Welding Electrode, Welder's Head Screen, Welding Cables, Bonded Abrasives, MIG Welding Wires, CO2 Wires, Grinding Wheels and... Aqra Aktar »
- Barraxi, miksija | Barraxi, drapp appoġġjati | Barraxi, fibra appoġġjata | Barraxi, karta appoġġjati | Karta li joborxu ...
- New Delhi
- Indja
We are one of the leading Cast Iron Ingot Moulds, Bottom Plate, Slagpot centre coloumn and all types of Rolling mills and Ferro Alloys Casting manufacturer, Apart from this we are also manufacturing... Aqra Aktar »
- Brokers, suq komoditajiet, metalli, minerali, minerali | Forom | Wajer tar-ram isfar | Wajer tan-nikil | Wajer...
- Howrah
- Indja
We are a Singapore based company owned by professionals with experience of over 30 years in non-ferrous metal and metal minerals trading. We have offices in Singapore apart from Dubai and India. We... Aqra Aktar »
- Chrome mineral | Manganiż | Żingu | Aluminju oħra | Trab tar-ram | Ingotti aluminju | Minerali tal-ħadid
- New Delhi
- Indja
Incepted in 1983, Trishul Metal Industries Ltd. is a leader in manufacturing and exporting of copper tubes, copper strips plates. With an experience we have gained expertise and understanding of... Aqra Aktar »
- Aġenti minerali u metalli | Pajpijiet u tubi tar-ram, | Partijiet ta' muturi, ġeneraturi u trasformaturi elettriċi | Bar...
- Delhi
- Indja
Company Brief Established in the year 1973, we, Metal Industrial Corporation (ISO 9001:2008 certified company), are a reputed and trustworthy enterprise involved in manufacturing and exporting a wide... Aqra Aktar »
- Irbit tal-pajpijiet | Aċċessorji tal-pajpijiet | Pajpijiet u tubi, l-azzar | Pajpijiet ta 'azzar li ma jissaddadx | W...
- Mumbai
- Indja
Manufacturers and Exporters of Kitchen Appliances, Burners, Gas Stoves, Kitchen Stoves.
- Servizzi ta 'installazzjoni refrattarji | Importaturi-esportaturi, arti grafika | Importaturi-esportaturi, annimali...
- New Delhi
- Indja
- Uranju | Skandju | Ittriju | Rutenju | Rodju | Iridju | Gallju | Indju | Rubidju | Ożmju
- Haarlem
- Olanda
- Liegi tal-aluminju | Minerali kromju u minerali | Minerali kobalt u minerali | Minerali ferromanganese u minerali |...
- Rimini
- Italja
Formed in 1770, we are a market leading supplier of lead products including sash bars, wire, weights, high purity tin anodes & solder products including, cored wire, pastes, solder wire,... Aqra Aktar »
- Wajers u kejbils - non-ferrous metal | Wajers u kejbils - ferrous metal | Boltijiet tieqa u strumenti li jsakkru |...
- Rotherham
- Ingilterra
Manufacturer of Polypropylene Materials and Alloys.
- Skandju | Ittriju | Rutenju | Rodju | Iridju | Gallju | Indju | Rubidju | Ożmju | Renju
- Gurgaon
- Indja
Sales and Marketing of Beryllium Copper Alloy & Beryllium related products & plated / claded / inlay strip (TMI).
- Skandju | Ittriju | Rutenju | Rodju | Iridju | Gallju | Indju | Rubidju | Ożmju | Renju
- Singapore
- Singapor
Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of Metals Alloys, Solder Sticks, Solder Wires, Tin/Solder Anodes, Solder Foil, Silver Brazing Rods and Tin Wire.
- Skandju | Ittriju | Rutenju | Rodju | Iridju | Gallju | Indju | Rubidju | Ożmju | Renju
- New Delhi
- Indja
Manufacturer of High End Stainless Steel and Silver Plated Products.
- Skandju | Ittriju | Rutenju | Rodju | Iridju | Gallju | Indju | Rubidju | Ożmju | Renju
- Gurgaon
- Indja
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company as one of the leading import / export companys certified by ISO9002 mainly handling the field of chemical and metal (ferrousand non... Aqra Aktar »
- Roti tat-tħin | Fiberglass drapp | Istainless steel oħra | Ingotti tal-manjesju | Katalizzaturi kimiċi
- Yangquan
- Ċina