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We Believe
...in making effective products from fresh organic* fruit and vegetables, the finest essential oils and safe synthetics.
We believe in buying ingredients only from companies that do... 閱讀更多 »
- 洗发水 | 彩妆 | 肥皂 | 剃须皂和剃须膏 | 香料 | 化妆品 | 香水(贸易) | 身体乳液 | 剃须膏 | 淋浴凝胶体...
- Vancouver
- 加拿大
Golf Xanh chuyên cung cấp các sản phẩm thời trang và phụ kiện golf nam nữ. Đa dạng các sản phẩm đồ golf, giá cả phải chăng và đội ngũ chăm sóc khách hàng nhiệt tình 24/7. Rất hân hạnh được phục vụ quý... 閱讀更多 »
- 男士衬衫 | 成衣,华贵的 | 男孩的衬衫 | 皮带配件 | 成衣,棉制,男式的 | 成衣,羊毛制,男式的 | 成衣,特大号的,男式的 | 裤子,成品,男式的 | 夹克和运动上衣,成品,男式的 | 成衣,棉制,女式的...
- Long Biên
- 越南
DERMAEPIL is the result of thorough knowledge and experience with a passion for creating unusual things. Radosław Pielczyk is the founder of the company, associated with cosmetic industry for many ... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他保健品 | 保健品 | 按摩霜 | 化妆品( 贸易) | 卫生和盥洗用品 | 化妆品 | 男士护肤品 | 按摩凝胶 | 护发品...
- Wodzislaw Slaski
- 波兰
The fame of Love sex toys in India has reached heights since the late 20th and 21st centuries, due to the changes in liberation and cultural attitudes of both men and women. If we look back even a... 閱讀更多 »
- 按摩晶露 | 其他个人卫生 | 丰胸霜 | 乳房面膜 | 乳房增强剂 | 按摩凝胶 | 情趣产品 | 性玩具 | 其他性产品 | 个人润滑剂...
- Indore
- 印度
Ruwa Beauty offers a variety of collections that includes all kinds of beauty products, hair wigs, hair care essentials, and many more. We offer a wide range of beauty products from a number of... 閱讀更多 »
- 发胶 | 假发 | 后发夹 | 头发扩展和假发 | 头发拉长 | 处女的头发 | 蕾丝假发 | 人类假发 | 人的头发 | 美容产品...
- North Charleston
- 美国
SORA Cosmetics Ltd. has been founded in 2000 and became a well known manufacturer and exporter company in Turkey in such a short time. Although the company has been recently established, its history... 閱讀更多 »
- 硬脂酸盐凝胶体 | 洗涤剂,肥皂基的 | 膏,去除油脂用,用于手 | 磨擦清洁剂,粘土基的 | 非磨磋性的手用清洁剂 | 肥皂,氨的 | 肥皂,硼酸及衍生物制 | 酪乳皂 | 肥皂,蓖麻油的 | 肥皂,椰子油的...
- İstanbul
- 土耳其
Po Fat Trading Company was established in 1992, located in Chenghai which is famous for toy and gift in China. We are one dynamic enterprise integrating development, design, production and... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他浴室和厕所用品 | 婴儿椅 | 男士内裤和拳击手 | 胸罩和简要集 | 滑板车,脚踏滑板车 | 体重 | 婴儿头发护理 | 其他护发产品 | 男子的头发护理产品 | 护手霜和乳液...
- Shantou
- 中国
Genic, a top leading manufactuerer, has brought a fresh air into chemical,medical, and cosmetics markets with new materials, new style and bio-matrix development by using collagen.
With a new and... 閱讀更多 »
- 花粉 | 鳕鱼鱼肝油和大比目鱼油制剂 | 强壮剂,用于运动员 | 膳食补给品,矿物基质的 | 医疗性食品和营养剂 | 擦剂 | 草药,浸剂 | 净化剂(药品) | 减肥药 | 鲨鱼软骨产品,药用的...
- Seoul
- 韩国
We, Coreana Cosmetics, have led Korean cosmetic market since its establishment in 1988 and ranked on 45th place at the part of world cosmetic sales turn over.(WWD 2002), and ranked on 96th place in... 閱讀更多 »
- 汽车传动系统工程顾问 | 卫生化妆用品,用于太平间 | 止血笔 | 洗漱用品和化妆品,婴儿和儿童用 | 按摩油和按摩霜,用于婴幼儿 | 指甲护理产品 | 按摩霜 | 按摩晶露 | 按摩油和膏 | 指甲油...
- Seoul
- 韩国
About Us:......
We are happy to introduce ourselves as the leading manufacturer of quality toothpaste in north India. Jaikaran India limited is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company dedicated to... 閱讀更多 »
- 化妆品、洗漱用品和美容用品集中采购机构 | 卫生化妆用品,用于太平间 | 止血笔 | 洗漱用品和化妆品,婴儿和儿童用 | 按摩油和按摩霜,用于婴幼儿 | 指甲护理产品 | 按摩晶露 | 按摩油和膏 | 指甲油 | 假睫毛,塑料制...
- New Delhi
- 印度
Below is a list of our usual productions:
Body Lotion and Cream, Mousturizer cream, anti aging cream, hand cream, bleaching cream, anti acne cream, scrub / scrub, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner,... 閱讀更多 »
- 化妆品加工服务,按顾客规格定制的 | 香脂 | 化妆品软管 | 药品 | 洗发水 | 卫生和盥洗用品 | 祛屑洗发水 | 化妆品和面霜(贸易) | 淋浴凝胶体 | 化妆品生产企业...
- Desio
- 意大利
Established in 1994, Topaxen Hair Beauty Products Firm is a specialized manufacturer of all kinds of hair care and cosmetic products. Relying on superior quality and excellent service, our products... 閱讀更多 »
- 保健品代理 | 时装配饰设计服务 | 使用的工具 | 剃须刀刀片 | 工具包 | 工具盒 | 其他工具包装 | 初乳 | 理发椅 | 沙龙小车...
- 香港
PAKSHOO Co. has been established in 1961 as private company to produce beauty and hygienic products. With a good background and experience of more than 40 years of activity, Pakshoo is now one of... 閱讀更多 »
- 汽车香波 | 清洗、去油剂,重型车辆用 | 挡风玻璃清洗液、去油剂 | 清洗剂,小轿车用 | 凝结剂和凝聚剂,用于水处理 | 乳化剂,废水处理用 | 生化制品,用于污水处理和工业废水处理 | 漏油和油膜消除化学品 | 化学品,水澄清用 | ...
- Tehran
- 伊朗
Gkns Hongnice Body Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the development, design, production and management of beauty and hairdressing products as well as equipment. Our company owns Hongnice... 閱讀更多 »
- 洗发椅 | 传统中药的设备 | 其他美发沙龙设备 | 头发护理 | 德马棒 | 面部蒸笼 | 面部皮匠 | 放大镜灯 | 电波拉皮机 | 电波拉皮枪...
- 香港
Sempio is the oldest and most renowned consumer brand in Korea.
Sempio has been producing soy sauce since 1946, with over 50% share of Korean consumer market. Sempio's Icheon plant has annual... 閱讀更多 »
- 葡萄干 | 葡萄干 | 原味奶茶 | 发酵粉,饮料业用 | 发酵粉,面包房用的 | 发酵粉,糖果店用的 | 精油,食品用,合成的 | 蔬菜提取物和香精,食品级 | 增香焦糖 | 蔬菜提取物和基体/香精,食品级...
- Seoul
- 韩国
Produire plus propre, consommer moins d’énergie et minimiser l’impact sur l’environnement est une priorité à tous les niveaux de responsabilité de l’entreprise
Dans un monde de plus en plus sen... 閱讀更多 »
- 食用油和油脂 | 棉纸,有香味的 | 硬脂酸盐凝胶体 | 洗涤剂,肥皂基的 | 膏,去除油脂用,用于手 | 磨擦清洁剂,粘土基的 | 非磨磋性的手用清洁剂 | 肥皂,氨的 | 肥皂,硼酸及衍生物制 | 酪乳皂...
- Casablanca
- 摩洛哥
Ahenk Kozmetik Ltd. Sti. has been run since 1998 in Bursa, and produced perfume and all kinds of cosmetic and personal care products. Our company exports its own products to lots of countries with... 閱讀更多 »
- 棉纸,有香味的 | 卫生化妆用品,用于太平间 | 止血笔 | 洗漱用品和化妆品,婴儿和儿童用 | 按摩油和按摩霜,用于婴幼儿 | 指甲护理产品 | 香水和化妆品用试纸 | 按摩晶露 | 按摩油和膏 | 指甲油...
- Bursa
- 土耳其
Spatter cure enterprises is not just a manufacturing company. It is an endeavour, a venture to serve the engineering industry with technological innovations. It is the only enterprising organisation... 閱讀更多 »
- 熟(含水)石灰 | 汽车香波 | 清洗、去油剂,重型车辆用 | 挡风玻璃清洗液、去油剂 | 清洗剂,小轿车用 | 挤出机,用于制药和化妆品工业 | 油加工设备,用于制药和化妆品工业 | 压实设备,用于制药和化妆品粉末 | 混合机和搅拌机, ...
- New Delhi
- 印度
Since 1935, Kraft Chemical Company has committed to our customers and partners. As an industrial chemical supplier, we pride ourselves on having a diverse inventory that meets the needs of customers,... 閱讀更多 »
- 化学—进出口 | 化工机械 | 精油 | 芦荟凝胶 | 化学品制造商
- Lake Zurich
- 美国
Founded in 2002 in Macau, China, Ngaitin enterprise-chelsea specializes in developing and producing wide ranges of aroma products fragrances. Our products now include: 100% pure essential oil,... 閱讀更多 »
- 精油 | 婴儿油 | 婴儿护肤 | 头发调理剂 | 身体磨砂 | 泡泡浴 | 抗衰老治疗 | 按摩霜 | 沐浴露 | 其他沐浴用品...
- 香港
We are a company specialized in the production and the commercialization of cosmetic and food argan oil. We are looking for serious wholesaler or distributor.
Of exceptional quality, our oil,... 閱讀更多 »
- 未加工植物油 | 姜油 | 调味油 | 硬脂酸盐凝胶体 | 洗涤剂,肥皂基的 | 膏,去除油脂用,用于手 | 磨擦清洁剂,粘土基的 | 非磨磋性的手用清洁剂 | 肥皂,氨的 | 肥皂,硼酸及衍生物制...
- Agadir
- 摩洛哥
Manufacturer & Exporters of Cosmetics & Toilet Preparations, Distilled Fatty Acid, Toilet Soap, Glycerin, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes and Shave Brushes and Dicalcium Phosphate.
- 棉纸,有香味的 | 硬脂酸盐凝胶体 | 洗涤剂,肥皂基的 | 膏,去除油脂用,用于手 | 磨擦清洁剂,粘土基的 | 非磨磋性的手用清洁剂 | 肥皂,氨的 | 肥皂,硼酸及衍生物制 | 酪乳皂 | 肥皂,蓖麻油的...
- Mumbai
- 印度