Meklēšanas rezultāti priekš: Kafija
Atrasts 7537 uzņē
LFB's activities started in 1995 as consulting services for plants, teas, accessories and related products. The company rapidly gained a solid reputation by developing its business on an... Lasīt vairāk »
- Juodoji arbata | Arbata | Kafija un tēja | Diētiskā un bioloģiskā pārtika | Augi medicīnā | Kosmetikos produkt...
- Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
- Šveice
The Egg Lab is a modern industrial style place with retro details that stands out for making tasty brunches in Barcelona designed under solid principles and commitment to the environment. Discover... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kafija, Āfrikas | Kafija, Kolumbijas | Kafija, Arābika | Maltā kafija | Gastronomija - īpašs sortiments | Gatavi pārt...
- Barcelona
- Spānija
we introduce ourself as one of the leading was incorporated in the year 2004, as a sole partnership firm, in jodhpur, Rajasthan. Our strict adherence
to quality standards and clients preference... Lasīt vairāk »
- Apmācības kursi, mehānisku konstrukciju un montāžas | Darbagaldu operatoru apmācības kursi | Datorkontrolētu iekārtu vad...
- Mumbai
- Indija
Organic, Fair Trade and Rocky Mountain-roasted in Invermere, BC, Kicking Horse Coffee has been fueling discerning coffee addictions for almost 20 years. From humble beginnings, "The Horse";... Lasīt vairāk »
- Smalkmaizītēm | Kafija, dabīga | Bioloģiskā kafija | Kafija | Vairumtirdzniecība Grauzdēšana | Kafejnīca
- Invermere
- Kanāda
Established in 1976, Horizon is Western Canada’s leading distributor of organic and natural products. Horizon is known for dedication to logistical excellence, personalized account service, a c... Lasīt vairāk »
- Natūralus medus | Ekoloģiski tīri pārtikas produkti | Bioloģisko produkciju | Kafija dabas cepta | Ēdināšanas pakalpo...
- Burnaby
- Kanāda
Earth Coffee is fair trade, certified organic coffee. Sourced from Central and South America
and Eastern Africa. Current roasts include dark, medium, espresso and decaf. With Earth
Coffee being... Lasīt vairāk »
- Tēja, dabīga | Arbata | Kafija, dabīga | Dabīgais minerālūdens | Bioloģiskā kafija | Kafija dabas cepta | Kafija...
- Edmonton
- Kanāda
Saicaf exports the world over with the aim of putting the unique taste of Italian coffee on everybody's lips. Discover the vast assortment of HOME LINE flavours, the special product line geared... Lasīt vairāk »
- Zāļu tējas | Kafija un tēja | Grauzdēšana - mašīnas | Kafejnīcas un bāri - iekārtas un aprīkojums | Kafijas automāti - p...
- Bari
- Itālija
Phone No. 2 : 01224 212515
Caber Coffee is one of the most highly regarded and respected businesses in our industry. For over 30 years we’ve supplied the freshest, most flavour some coffee, the m... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kafijas pupiņas, grauzdētas | Kafijas pupas, bez kofeīna | Kapučīno maisījumi, instant | Kafijas piedevas | Cigoriņi, gr...
- Aberdeen
- Lielbritānija
The Coconut Store is your one-stop store for health and well-being, skin and body care, food, pantry staples, supplements, and other great items. Shop our range of vegan, keto, paleo, organic,... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kokoso riešutai | Kokosa šķiedra | Kokosų aliejus | Kokosu piens | Grietinė | Kafija un kafijas aizstājēji | Kokoss rīvē...
- Diamond Creek
- Austrālija
Cafés Granell is a family business founded by Agustin Granell Ortega and his wife Consuelo Herrero in 1940, Since then we have devoted ourselves to the roasting, packaging and distribution of ... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kafijas pupiņas, Arabica | Kafijas pupiņas, liberica | Kafijas pupiņas, Robusta | Kafijas pupiņas, java | Kafijas pup...
- Valencia
- Spānija
We started in 1996 on Salt Spring Island. A family of pioneering entrepreneurs and a roasting café. Cultivating partnerships with farmers. Putting people and the planet first. Selecting and roasting ... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kafijas pupiņas, grauzdētas | Skrudinta kava | Kafija | Vairumtirdzniecība kafija un tēja | Vairumtirdzniecība Grau...
- Richmond
- Kanāda
Origins Organic Coffee is a wholesale coffee roaster located on Granville Island. Our doors are open to the public.
Our expertise ranges from installing and repairing roasters to lending our... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kafija, dabīga | Bioloģiskā kafija | Kafija | Vairumtirdzniecība Grauzdēšana | Kafija, veikali | Kafijas nami
- Vancouver
- Kanāda
Through three generations, the commitment to customer satisfaction and success has guided every decision at Mother Parkers. The success of our customers is our measure of a job well done.
Today,... Lasīt vairāk »
- Tējas un kafijas pārstrāde | Tējas saiņošanas pakalpojumi | Melnā tēja | Zaļā tēja | Tēja, bez kofeīna | Tēja, melnā vai...
- Mississauga
- Kanāda
AGC CHEMICAL is a leading company in the field of sourcing and supplying of various absorbents such as Zeolite Molecular Sieve, Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS), Activated Alumina, Activated Alumina... Lasīt vairāk »
- Suvirinimas | Elektrības ražošanas un sadalīšanas rūpniecība, darba uzņēmēji | Aizsardzība pret mitrumu | Koka grīdu seg...
- Delhi
- Indija
Dear Sir/Madam,
Good day to you.
We are writing this letter as we are looking for agent in World wide country.
For your information, we are a manufacturing doing food & beverages... Lasīt vairāk »
- Medus | Medus iegūšanas ierīces, biškopības | Kafija | Dabiskā augļu sula | Organiskie sulas | Koncentrāti augļu sulas...
- Malaizija
Machines serving espresso coffee and herbal teas equipped with the patented system which eliminates any contact between the machine and the product. Pods: tea, herbal teas, vegetable consommé, ... Lasīt vairāk »
- Alus ražošanas konsultanti | Vīna bāri, alus pagrabos, krogi | Neapstrādāta tēja | Tējas lapas, lauztās | Tēja, izžāvēta...
- Foscarini
- Itālija
Since the inception in the year 2007, we, Victoriya Enterprises, are striving to become a leading Exporter, Importer and Supplier of a wide assortment of Minerals, Spices, Granite, Fresh & Frozen... Lasīt vairāk »
- Medvilnė | Linai | Rāmija | Bambusniedres | Niedres | Rotangpalma | Palmu lapas | Bromēlijas | Dabīga kokvilna | Vīt...
- Kovilpatti
- Indija
Enjoy a realm of fine teas at Tea zuma Store! The blends range from old classics to innovative new creations through our carefully chosen collection. A myriad of toppings, syrups and so on... Lasīt vairāk »
- Tēja paciņās | Žalioji arbata | Zāļu tējas | Juodoji arbata | Arbata | Tējas un kafijas, gatavas lietošanai | Ziedēšan...
- Norcross
- Amerikas Savienotās Valstis
At Coffee Avenue, we are passionate about bringing you the finest coffee experience. As a leading provider of premium roasted coffee beans in Dubai and the UAE, we take pride in sourcing the highest... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kafijas pupiņas, grauzdētas | Kafijas pupiņas, Arabica | Kafijas pupiņas, liberica | Kafijas pupiņas, Robusta | Kafijas ...
- Dubai
- Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti
You deserve the world's best coffee! But how to make the best coffee in different ways and flavors wants to know about it. Let's come to the coffee deets website right now. Here you can... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kavos pupelės | Kafijas pupiņas, grauzdētas | Kafijas pupas, bez kofeīna | Kafija, Āfrikas | Kafija, Brazīlijas | Centr...
- Miami
- Amerikas Savienotās Valstis
Family Pizza Airdrie is the perfect destination for pizza lovers in Airdrie, who crave supreme, freshly made delicacies. Our menu features a wide range of pizzas that are made using only the low-fat... Lasīt vairāk »
- Picas pamatne | Kapučīno maisījumi, instant | Kafijas piedevas | Cigoriņi, grauzdēti | Uzkodu pārtika | Pica | Makaronu ...
- Airdrie
- Kanāda
VnNutFactory is producer and direct exporter of Vietnam dried natural food mainly:
- Cashew nuts without shells.
- Coconut: desiccated coconut, coconut fruits.
We produce the dried foods... Lasīt vairāk »
- Pasažieru un kravas gaisa transporta pakalpojumi | Kviečiai | Svaigi banāni | Svaigas kokosrieksti | Maltā kafija | Sal...
- Ho Chi Minh City
- Vjetnama
Dairy is at the heart of everyone’s diet in India. Milk and all the other dairy products made from it, like butter, yogurt, ice-cream and cheese are the main stay of all that we eat here. So, as a f... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kafijas pupiņas, grauzdētas | Kafijas pupas, bez kofeīna | Kapučīno maisījumi, instant | Kafijas kapsulas | Kafija porci...
- Delhi
- Indija
My name Gevorg, I would suggest
You familiarize yourself with our offer.
About us:
Core business of our company's production of ground coffee under the brand Armkoff. We are located in the... Lasīt vairāk »
- Maltā kafija | Kafija un tēja ražotāji
- эчмиадзин
- Armēnija
The key to the flavour of any coffee bean is the roast. We have perfected this process. Serious Coffee brews great coffee because it is a “just in time roaster”. Because we are located only on Van... Lasīt vairāk »
- Kafijas dzērieni | Kokteiļi | Kafija | Kafijas nami | Kafejnīca
- Duncan
- Kanāda
Dafne 51 Limited is registered in Sofia, Bulgaria. The company has got 3 warehouses: in Sofia (Bulgaria), in Trieste (Italy) and Munich (Germany). The main trading aims of the company are coffee... Lasīt vairāk »
- Cepumi un cepumi | Cukrus | Tējas dzērieni | Aromāts tēja | Kafija | Šķīstošā kafija | Kafijas pupiņas, java | Makaronu ...
- Munich
- Vācija