搜索結果: 其他纤维的
發現2231 公司首選上市有關: 其他纤维的
Dear Sir,
We Eros Group are one of the biggest importers of all kinds of textile related raw materials in India and exporting to other parts of the world Since 1972.
Our company is Authenticated... 閱讀更多 »
- 建设项目 | 其他鞋材 | 其他纤维的 | 纱 | 切割机,用于纺织废料 | 纺织废料脱水机 | 纺织废料收集设备 | 纺纱垃圾清理设备,气动的 | 棉屑和飞棉收集设备,纺织业用 | 纺织品废条收集器...
- Ludhiana
- 印度
Dear Sir,
We got your reference from various trade sources from where we understand the potential of your company and your trade interests.
Kindly allow us to introduce ourselves as one of the... 閱讀更多 »
- 蓖麻油 | 其他纤维的 | 纱 | 树脂 | 异丙隆 | 苯敌草 | 敌草隆 | 敌草胺 | 无机盐 | 厨房毛巾
- Vadodara
- 印度
We are the Composite material Manufacture based in Taichung, Taiwan-Hawluck Enterprise Co., Ltd. Have selling and produceing experience over 8 years.
Have our own factory. Our major items are the... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他纤维的 | 树脂 | Abs | 伊娃 | 霸 | 其他橡胶原料 | 塑料细粒 | 电气元件 | 摩托车排气系统 | 化学废物...
- Xitun District
- 台湾
Manufacturer and Exporters of Agglomerated Cork Products like Cork Sheets, Cork Rolls, Cork Wads, Cork Clutch Facings, Cork Rods and Discs, Anti Vibration Cork Pads, Agglo Cork & Micro Cork,... 閱讀更多 »
- 装饰—软木 | 其他纤维的 | 电气装置,用于游艇和小艇 | 内燃机机舱电报机和重播器,船用的 | 监控仪器,用于船舶内燃机 | 探照灯,船用的 | 遇难信号灯,水活性的 | 方位灯,导航灯,船用的 | 信号灯,日光的,船用 | 手动信号设...
- Vadodara
- 印度
A renowned name in the domain of Cooling Pads, ABS Ductable Cooling Machine, Desert/Room Coolers, etc., Cool Tech Enterprises has been offering quality to the clients. Combining technology and wide... 閱讀更多 »
- 安全产品代理 | 转移印花 | 注模服务,用于金属 | 绝缘材料 | 弹簧—设计定做 | 联轴器 | 管道 | 管件 | 管材和管件 | 铸铁管和管道...
- Amravati
- 印度
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the leading Exporters, Manufacturers , Stockists Supplier of stainless steel item,ferrous non-ferrous metal which are required by your company in... 閱讀更多 »
- 安全产品代理 | 转移印花 | 注模服务,用于金属 | 绝缘材料 | 弹簧—设计定做 | 联轴器 | 管道 | 管件 | 管材和管件 | 铸铁管和管道...
- Mumbai
- 印度
We're manufacturer professional supplier of textile fibers- producing PLA fiber with innovation, HC polyester in Thailand solid polyester in China, collecting processing wool, nonwoven of... 閱讀更多 »
- 竹纤维 | 羊毛—纤维 | 中空纤维 | 其他纤维的 | 涤纶面料 | 聚合物 | 羊毛纺织材料
- Copenhagen
- 中国
We-Delta Industrial Co., Ltd-are one of the leading sand exporters of agricultural and handicraft products in Vietnam. Our main products including:
1. Agricultural products:
- Food: desiccated... 閱讀更多 »
- 农业—进出口 | 新鲜香蕉 | 新鲜椰子 | 墨鱼 | 冷冻水果 | 其他纤维的 | Fedora的帽子 | 饭
- Ho Chi Minh City
- 越南
Changlong Group consists of:
------Changlong Technologies co., ltd for recycling plastic machinery, PSF machinery and nonwoven equipment manufacturing.
------Changlong international(CCL... 閱讀更多 »
- 挂钩 | 阀门 | 化纤 | 中空纤维 | 其他纤维的 | 聚酯纤维 | 再生聚酯纤维 | 短纤 | 合成纤维 | 棉纱100%...
- 香港
Our company was established in 1995. We are located in the source of geese and ducks - Luan City, which is famous of West Anhui White Geese. We have been one of the leading manufacturers of down ... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他纤维的 | 其他服装辅料 | 棉被和鸭绒被,羽绒填充的 | 羽毛球用具和球拍 | 靠垫套 | 枕头和盖 | 床垫...
- Liuan
- 中国
We would like to introduce ourselves as used clothing grader in Kandla (India) . Our company name is Om Siddh Vinayak Impex Pvt Ltd (in short OSV) . We are operating out of 100, 000 sq. Ft warehouse... 閱讀更多 »
- 裤子和裤子 | 衬衫,丝制,男式的 | 衬衫,混纺纤维制,男式的 | 衬衫,亚麻制,男式的 | 衬衫,人造纤维制,男式的 | 衬衫,印花的,男式的 | 衬衫,花纹的,男式的 | 衬衫,白色的,男式的 | 衬衫,前边打褶的,男式的 | 衬衫,...
- Kandla
- 印度
We are PT. Panji Mas Textile, fiber and mop yarn manufacture in Gresik, Indonesia. We produce different types of mop yarn which is used as primarily material for janitorial equipment for home and... 閱讀更多 »
- 生棉(贸易) | 腰果 | 腈纶纤维 | 其他纤维的 | 再生聚酯纤维 | 棉—纱线 | 涤纶混纺纱 | 拖把纱 | 纺织废料...
- Gresik
- 印度尼西亚
We are a team formed by young group of entrepreneurs in 1995 mainly to provide value added service to our various customers in different metros all over India.
Coir (or cocos) , the wonder fibre is... 閱讀更多 »
- 电气和电子产品集中采购机构 | 为大型超市、百货店、高速公路店和品牌折扣购物中心提供集中采购服务的机构 | 地毯 | 垫 | 其他纤维的 | 纱 | 仪表电缆 | 地板垫 | 椰壳纤维产品 | 黄铜,工艺品...
- Alappuzha
- 印度
Manufacture & Export of FTTH Optical Products The New Era of FTTX solution comes with KOT. KOT will satisfy your needs for better futuer business environment of FTTX. Come with us. Fiber... 閱讀更多 »
- 电子零部件顾问服务 | 其他纤维的 | 适配器,电气插头或插座的 | 焊接套管 | 接线端子和接线条 | 接线片,电缆的 | 母线槽 | 接线端子排(接头),电气的,成卷的,折边机用 | 中继线,塞绳电缆分设线 | 船用电子连接器...
- Anyang
- 韩国
中山环纬装饰材料有限公司座落在广东省中山市三乡镇平埔工业区。占地面积1400多平方米。公司由最初的国内市场,近年来已经发展到全世界的各个国家。中山环纬装饰材料有限公司也是中国唯一在这个产品上有进出口权的企业,故能保证最优的价格和最快捷的交货。YISENNI liquid wall covering(YISENNI 牌墙衣)是21世纪最环保最现代的墙面装饰材料,YISENNI墙衣完全引进日本的整套生... 閱讀更多 »
- 纺织品墙纸 | 壁纸及糊墙纸 | 其他纤维的 | 粉末涂料,塑料基的
- Guangdong
- 中国
POLYFIBRE INDUSTRIES PVT LTD was incorporated in April 1996.
We started with processing various types of polyester waste to make it usable. To ad further value, we setup a recycled (regenerated)... 閱讀更多 »
- 化纤 | 其他纤维的 | 涤纶面料 | 纱 | 涤纶纱 | 无纺布
- Mumbai
- 印度
Trading Company, Importer & Identing of all kinds of Products and Services,Raw Wool,Greasy Wool, Merino Wool, Textiles, Yarns, Cotton, Blankets and Textile Waste, Nylon Yarn Waste, Polyester... 閱讀更多 »
- 清洗服务,用于加工羊毛 | 剪羊毛服务 | 脱脂服务,用于加工羊毛 | ,撕裂服务,羊毛 | 扯松动物毛和羊毛服务 | 加工服务,动物毛羊群 | 梳理服务,动物毛和羊毛 | ,精梳服务,羊毛 | 梳理服务,动物毛发 | Willowing ...
- Amritsar
- 印度
Manufacturer, Importers & Exporters of Pharmaceutical.
- 开胃剂 | 医疗性食品和营养剂 | 其他纤维的 | 皮肤病用的杀真菌剂和溶角蛋白剂 | 保肝药 | 肾病用药物 | 促进发育营养正常的药物 | 催吐剂 | 抗遗尿药物 | 同化剂...
- Gurgaon
- 印度
Manufacturers and Exporters of Block Making Machine, Concrete Pavement Block, Concrete Hollow Block (Egg Type), Fly Ash Brick, Reversible Mixer, Pan type Concrete Mixer, Drum type Colour Mixer, Block... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他纤维的 | 混凝土浇注机和灌浆机,用于隧道施工 | 钢筋和预应力混凝土构件生产用料斗 | 混合机,自动装载的,用于制造混凝土产品 | 混凝土产品制造用振动器 | 钢筋和预应力混凝土构件模和模板 | 混凝土预应力设备 | 腌浸容器,用于预...
- Coimbatore
- 印度
Panipat based company, Shree Balaji Woollen Mills was established in the year 1963 with an objective to be recognized as one of india's most reputed manufacturers and exporters of different... 閱讀更多 »
- 栉梳机短麻加工服务 | 废羊毛加工服务 | (其它动物)废毛加工服务 | 废棉加工服务 | 废丝加工服务 | 废亚麻加工服务 | 废黄麻加工服务 | 黄麻废料加工服务 | 人造纤维废料加工服务 | 袜子废料加工服务...
- Panipat
- 印度
Quanzhou Zhenghong Shoes Material Co., Ltd. was established in 1988. Our company is located in Jinjiang Industrial Zone, Fujian----the famous Shoes Center in China. We are a joint-stock enterprise... 閱讀更多 »
- 衬里衣料 | 其他纤维的 | 面料 | 衬布,衬里 | 丙烯酸胶粘剂 | 无纺布
- Laatzen
- 中国
We are manufacturer and exporter of all types of steel fibers as per ASTM A820 M04 Standards used for secondary reinforcement in concrete (SFRC). Leveraging the same channel, we market alternative... 閱讀更多 »
- 建筑材料 | 混凝土外加剂和砂浆外加剂 | 其他纤维的 | 清洁产品 | 钢构件 | 其他钢铁产品
- Amravati
- 印度
Our Company located at world best mica mine area Giridih at India and engaged in manufacturing of Mica products since a decades.
We manufacture and exporters all types of mica products and... 閱讀更多 »
- 绝缘材料 | 管件 | 锅炉部件 | 其他纤维的 | 电动铁件 | 云母
- Giridih
- 印度
Shaoxing Ivan Textile Garment Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise specializing in middle and high-grade textile fabrics and clothing materials. Is a professional knitted hacci fabrics, interlock... 閱讀更多 »
- 其他纤维的
- Shaoxing
- 中国