Axtarış nəticələri: Muzey
Tapılmışdır 22303 şirkətlərRelated kateqoriyalar
New York Language Learning Center offers unparalleled English instruction by outstanding teachers who have successfully helped thousands of students learn the language.
The NYLLC method focuses on... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət, mərkəzləri
- New York
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Art Porters Gallery advocates the unique power of art in transforming lives. Rooted in its founders’ deep personal experience, the gallery’s mission is sharing happiness with art. Art Porters focuses ... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Singapore
- Sinqapur
The Corita Art Center, a project of the Immaculate Heart Community, preserves and promotes Corita Kent's art, teaching, and passion for social justice. Today, the Corita Art Center supports... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Los Angeles
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
This is not your run-of-the-mill museum.
From spinning wheels to airplanes and power looms to baseballs, history really comes alive at the American Textile History Museum, an affiliate of the... Ətraflı »
- Muzey
- Lowell
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
A visit to the Anna Maria Island Historical Complex is a trip back into Florida history. The Island has a vast and rich history beginning with its earliest times as an Indian fishing camp, to the... Ətraflı »
- Muzey
- Anna Maria
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Indian River Gallery has an unsurpassed collection of Native American Art and Jewelry of the highest calibre.
We represent the premier artisans in Jewelry, Hopi Katsinas, Pueblo Pottery, Navajo... Ətraflı »
- Art Qalereya, kommersiya
- Las Vegas
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Welcome to the Trimble Collection where Master Framer Tom Trimble has been restoring, preserving and framing art work for over 43 years! Located in the Village Shops of Williamsburg Virginia for over... Ətraflı »
- Art Qalereya, kommersiya
- Williamsburg
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
I think you???ll agree that the Wilmington Concert Association,
this grand old institution ??? without paid staff ??? has been
???on to something??? for many years. Let???s make the... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət və sənət qalereyaları
- Wilmington
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Naval Air Station Fort Lauderdale Museum is dedicated to preserve the history of NASFL, presently the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport which was located near Port Everglades during... Ətraflı »
- Muzey
- Fort Lauderdale
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, a stunning, 40,000 square-foot facility in the heart of the Five College area of Western MA is loved by families, art aficionados and book lovers alike. The... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Amherst
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
The Premier Gallery in Angel Fire. We offer a wide range of works and price ranges. Jewelry, Pottery, Sculpture and paintings. Owner, Katherine McDermott represents herself and more than 20 other... Ətraflı »
- Art Qalereya, kommersiya
- Angel Fire
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
The Experience in New York, "I'll get you something from the back," translates to "I've saved the good stuff for you." At Howard House, the concept rings true. Nestled... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət, mərkəzləri
- Seattle
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Russell Collection is a World Class gallery filled with museum quality art. We set out to offer something different to the serious art collector in central Texas.
Russell Collection Fine Art has... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət, mərkəzləri
- Austin
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Group field trips are a hit and are offered at a discount. Scout classes for hard to get badges and try-its. Overnights include fully planned events all evening plus dinner, snack and breakfast. ... Ətraflı »
- Muzey
- Aurora
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
A Taste Of Africa specializes in African Art Sculpture from different parts of Africa. We have a large selection of artwork and gift items including stone and wooden sculptures, musical instruments,... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Sterling
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
artwork, american indian, modern art, contemporary art, american art, american indians, indian jewelry, indian arts, indian art, native art, art native, turquoise jewelry, native american artwork,... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Tempe
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Museum with permanent and temporary exhibits, a 6,000 volume library, and a season of films, community events and commemorative activities as well as school field trips and visitors from around the... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Maitland
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Palmer's beautiful, chic and unique 4,500 sq. ft. Heights art gallery primarily showcases his own abstract pieces in addition to a small number of local emerging artists that he coaches and... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Houston
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
We provide Conservation Framing for all things needing to be preserved. We offer multiple framing and artwork services from residential to corporate to commercial. We are well respected in our... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Biloxi
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
Artists are the lifeblood of any gallery. Trifecta chooses them with great care and a heavy dose of intuition backed by the owners own experience as a painter. Studying the artists mannerisms,... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası
- Las Vegas
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
We are gallery Julia for reproduction antiques we sell commodes, classical Cabinets, chest drawers, Sofas, Tables, Desks, Antique Mirrors, Carven Boxes, Buffet Cabinets, iron consoles &... Ətraflı »
- Art Qalereya, kommersiya
- Davenport Ctr
- Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları
- İncəsənət qalereyası | Braille typewriters, tədris avadanlığı | Charts, təlimat tibbi və elmi | Reabilitasiya avadanlıql...
- Zagreb
- Xorvatiya
Xi'an QJ-Superman Cultural Creative Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Xi'an Chaoren Sculpture Research Institute) is a full-time professional display company that specializes in creating... Ətraflı »
- İncəsənət qalereyası | Cansız manikenə
- Xi’an
- Çin