
  • Jl. Kapasa Raya No. 2
  • Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, 90241
  • Indónesía
  • Sími:62-411-511211
  • Fax:62-411-511233
  • Url:



We would like to sell our Cocoa products such as:

Nat. Cocoa Cake, Nat./Alk. Cocoa Powder, Nat. PPP Cocoa Butter

and Nat. Cocoa Liquor

We used Grade A Beans for our product. And International

Standard Specification laboratory test every time production.

Escpecially for Cocoa Cake, we used Hydraulic Press Machine.

Packaging in 25 kg, Load in 20 ft Container.

We've been exported to whole over the world. And most of them

are to USA and Europe, Africa, and some to Asia.

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