Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Áburður
Fundust 3872 fyrirtækisupplyautonomy.com/grandtradinglogisticsindiapvt.in
- Hveiti | Gröfur | Áburður | Iron málmgrýti | Agro vörur og vörur | hrísgrjón
- Visakhapatnam
- Indland
- Töskur | Veski | Rafbúnað og rafeindabúnað | Varahlutir fyrir vans | Framleiðsla álversins og búnað fyrir matvælaiðnað, ...
- Chennai
- Indland
We are a trading division based in Dubai Sharjah dealing in
* All Metal Scrap including Ship, Vessel Barges
* Coal, Iron Ore Bauxite in Bulk Only
* Sugar Rice
* Fertilizers (Organic ... Lesa meira »
- Sykur | Áburður
- Dubai
- Sameinuðu arabísku furstadæmin
Comprehending evolving demands for high quality crop protection products, we, E-AgroTech, forayed into the manufacturing domain in 2007. Within this short span of time, we have established ourselves... Lesa meira »
- Landbúnaður verkefni | Áburður | Sveppum | Áttfætlumauraeyðir | Sól vörur og tæki
- Navsari
- Indland
We are Manufacturers of copper sulphate, Bordeaux Mixture cuprous chloride since 2001. We require copper sulphate as it is the main raw material of our majour product Bordeaux mixture. We are... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Sveppaeyðir
- Kochi
- Indland
a group company of JJ Enterprises, Chandigarh was established in the year 1981 with the sole mission of providing quality medical resources and services to public and private institutions. Some of... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Mesotherapy byssu | Lækningatækjum
- Chandigarh
- Indland
Our company has started as a telecomunication infrastucture company. Meanwhile, we have dealt in food packaging machinery and materials. Finally decided in elaborating in food and food additives. We... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Egg
- Istanbul
- Tyrkland
- Medical húsgögn | Rafmagns íhlutum | Bílar | Pökkun vélar | Áburður | Sveppum | Rafmagns-og rafeindabúnaði | Body Hluti ...
- Changzhou
- Kína
Matrix Biopharma Industries is a pioneer in Flaxseeds health products in India based in Mumbai.
Our expertise is in producing Finest Flaxseed oil with high therapeutic... Lesa meira »
- Prótein | Áburður
- Mumbai
- Indland
Ours is a import / export registered under Companies Act private limited company under management of Vrushabh Group which has many business like constuction, import / export, consultancy etc. We are... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Metal rusl | Gólfefni, tiling og húðun | Viðskipti lyf
- Rajkot
- Indland
- Óáfengir drykkir | Barna og Baby Fatnaður | Plastvörur | Rafbúnað og rafeindabúnað | Önnur efni umbúðir | Áburður | Aðra...
- Chennai
- Indland
Armed with a quality centric attitude, we, Emperor Impex Enterprize, have been serving the needs of a long list of clients through our range of trustworthy products and services. A top rated... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Stál vír, gaddavír | Rafmagns-og rafeindabúnaði | Fatnaður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Navsari
- Indland
International Petrochemicals (Private) Limited specializes in international trade and distribution of petrochemical products. We are dedicated to helping customers meet their requirements of... Lesa meira »
- Önnur gúmmí hráefni | Áburður
- Lahore
- Pakistan
PoliTrade Plus Ltda is an operating company specialized in selling Refined Sugar ICUMSA 45; Sugar ICUMSA 150; Raw / Brown Sugar (800/1200); Ordinary Portland Cement Grade 42.5 N/R; urea and others.... Lesa meira »
- Hveiti | Sojabaunir | Kaffi, jörð | Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur
- Goiania
- Brasilía
Based in Houston, Texas, Stoller is the world leader in the development and sale of Crop Health Products. Stoller representatives in more than 50 countries are active in the research, development... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Sveppum | Jarðvegsefni og varnarefni
- Shanghai
- Kína
- Úrgangs | Mineral og málma lyf | Innkaupastjóri Ráðgjafar | Frosinn ávöxtum | Úrgangspappír | Bílar | Áburður | Vatn fil...
- Freiburg
- Þýskaland
Expert, a delegate to the Yeltsin-Clinton Summit and participant in the New York Stock Exchange board-room meetings with lead of America's leading industries and Russia's Prime Minister,... Lesa meira »
- Önnur ráðgjöf | Miðlun, milliliður Service | Teppi | Áburður | Fatnaður
- Kirkland
- Bandaríkin
Our Mission:
Provide quality products and services to help enhance our customers business. Providing excellent service and support. Providing a trained and knowledgeable sales representative with... Lesa meira »
- Köfnunarefni áburður | Áburður
- Tabriz
- Íran
Agro Biotech is the reputed Exporter and Importer currently engaged in AGRICULTURAL SPICES and HERBAL products. Since the establishment of the company in the year 2010, we have been successfully... Lesa meira »
- Fresh banana | Áburður | Reglugerð um kerfi blóði | Sól vörur og tæki
- Thrissur
- Indland
Weifang Xiaer Imp. Exp. Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and supplier of industrial products, especially farm machinery, construction equipment and non-ferrous metal products.
Our annual... Lesa meira »
- Skógrækt Vélar | Áburður
- Weifang
- Kína
We are ISO 9001: 2000 Certified Company. And we are Leading Fertilizer Company manufacturing and importing complete range of Fertilizers, including NPK Mix Fertilizers, Organic Fertilizers,... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Illgresi | Blandaðs áburðar
- Rajkot
- Indland
Chengdu chemical Co., Ltd here, We are a Chinese factory with more than 50 years of experience in the Potassium products supply market. Chengdu Chemical Company is well known as the first class name... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Áburður
- Chengdu
- Kína
Offering a wide range of chemicals with high quality standards......for better output and qualitative production at competitive prices.......In the present times, the agricultural sector is facing... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Blandaðs áburðar
- Ankleshwar
- Indland
The Murugappa Group has Diverse Interests in Engineering, Precision Tools, Finance, Agro Products and Bio-Technology. Its 29 Companies are Engaged in Agri and Allied Businesses, Manufacturing and... Lesa meira »
- Drekka uppsprettur, glerhlaup Kína | Aðrir hlutar hjólandi | Áburður | Sveppum | Drekka uppsprettur, leirvörur | Þvo upp...
- Chennai
- Indland
Exporters of Agrochemicals, Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Dye Intermediates, Dyes & Pigments, V. Belts & Conveyor Belts.
- Áburður | Sveppaeyðir | Karminativa | Örvandi fyrir brjóstagjöf, lyfjafyrirtæki | Para lyfja byggist á Dead steinefnum S...
- Mumbai
- Indland
Manufacturers and Exporters of Organic Fertilizers like Natural Organic Fertilizers, Organic Fertilizers, Vermi Composts, Vermi Culture, Farmyard Manure, Press Mud, Coco Pith, Organic Manure, Raw... Lesa meira »
- Korn, seedlings og afskurður | Plöntur af grænmeti | Jarðarber, seedlings | Plöntur af blóm plöntur | Skrautjurtir, seed...
- Madurai
- Indland
Hi Every one I pray for all first and there business. We are main exporter of all kinds of textile garments men ladies and child whole sale or exporter of world wide. we only deal on order and as per... Lesa meira »
- Föt - Konur | Áburður
- Kharkiv
- Úkraína