• 2-B-4 Jayawadanagama
  • Battaramulla, Eastern, 10120
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tel:94-112-776885
  • Fax:94-112-776160
  • Url:



Rivega International provides shipping logistic services to meet the current global demands with latest trends. We offer comprehensive package at competitive rates, which includes Sea and Air Freight. We also deal as a Custom House Agent, Consultation, and Processing of Board of Investment (BOI) Enterprises and undertake TIEP Registration.

Our establishment deals in a variety of Import and Export trading, of products which are considered unique. The concept is not to duplicate but to innovate. The following are few entities to whom we provide services are The State General Trading Corporation, The State Pharmaceutical Corporation, Imperial Teas, Neptune Converters (Pvt) Ltd, Kar Met (Pvt) Ltd, Millennium Wires Lanka Ltd, Colombo Copper (Pvt) Ltd, Diplomatic Hotel Wares Ltd, Farnel Lanka Ltd, S I Lanka Ltd, Regina Top Cloths, Nice Apparels, Asia Great Unicorn Garments (Pvt) Ltd etc. . .

In the recent past our global diversification approach has prompted us to establish a Regional Office in Malaysia. This is because our identification of Malaysia as the fastest growing hub of the present trading world.

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