Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: Lešenie, mobilné alebo stacionárne z kovu

Nájdené 5 firiem

Established in 1983, SSF is the scaffolding business of Arabian Bulk Trade (ABT) Group, one of the oldest and most well-known trading business houses in the region. At SSF, we provide a range of... Prečítajte si viac »
  • Lešenie oceľová | Príslušenstvo k lešeniu | Lešenie pojazdná | Lešenie vysúvacia | Lešenie zavesená | Lešenie, kovové, t...
  • Al Khobar,
  • Saudská Arábia
Since 1968, Sky-Hi Scaffolding Ltd. has gained an enviable reputation for versatility and innovation in the construction, access, shoring, fall protection and training fields. This is matched by the... Prečítajte si viac »
  • Stavebné lešenia a veže (nájom/požičiavanie) | Školenia, lešenárske práce | Lešenie oceľová | Lešenie, kovové, trubicové...
  • Burnaby
  • Kanada
Mac Scaffold specializes in scaffolding and becoming a major player in the scaffolding industry covering London and the South East. Our goals are simple, to achieve the highest level of safety and... Prečítajte si viac »
  • Lešenárske práce | Lešenie a rebríky | Lešenia | Lešenia a pracovné plošiny, mobilné, pre stavebníctvo | Lešenie, mobiln...
  • Swanscombe
  • Spojené kráľovstvo