
  • 4659 Wheeler Road
  • Quitman, Georgia, 31643-7971
  • ایالات متحدهٔ امریکا
  • تلفن:(229) 263-9227
  • فکس: ---.---.-----
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درباره ما


Steve Owens is a retired Law Enforcement Supervisor who supervised a Crimes Against Persons Unit that was divided into four units. The Persons Crimes Unit, The Juvenile Crimes Unit, the Domestic Violence Unit and the Cold Case Unit. They handled everything from Homicide to Simple Battery. After 32 years, Steve decided to retire and start his own business. Hence, Owens Transport Service was born. His service transports Human Remains from Mortuary to Mortuary for burial services and Coroners to State Crime Labs for Autopsies. Steve just added Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies to his transport services and is currently running from Valdosta, Georgia to Atlanta, Georgia for a major drug store chain. If he can be of service to you, please give him a call. Mission: Dignity and Professionalism

اطلاعات کسب و کار

در دسترس نیست

در دسترس نیست

بیش از 1000 نفر


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