Résultats de la recherche pour: Blé
Entreprises 2230 trouvésCatégories connexes
MEG ZA IMPEX PTY LTD Food Stuff Trading, has been established as an International Business Agro-Commodities house. Importing, distributing and exporting state-of-art Birds and Animal feeds, Fresh... En savoir plus »
- Maïs | Produits à graines | Blé dur | Epeautre | Quinoa | Maïs | Maïs jaune | Maïs blanc | Riz Basmati | Riz noir
Grain Export Group was founded in 1980 in Hamburg,Germany.We are suppliers of wholesale feed grains, food grains and vegetable oil products. Our major market are European and Middle East... En savoir plus »
- Céréales | Blé | Orge | Produits à graines | Blé dur | Grains pour bétail et volaille | Maïs | Céréales | Aliments pour ...
- Hamburg
- Allemagne
We were incepted in the year 2015, with an objective to become world’s largest exporter of agro products. It was incepted by honourable Mr. Atul D. Dusane, the CEO of the company, who gave a new d... En savoir plus »
- Maïs | Blé dur | Blé tendre | Riz Basmati | Pommes de terre | Riz
- Malegaon
- Inde
ExFuture sun is an international trading company, since 2007, supply grains, seeds, cereals, oilseeds, corn, lentils and other agricultural products. We use expertise and our experience in... En savoir plus »
- Maïs | Haricots de soja | Sucre | Blé agroalimentaires | Orge | Lentilles
- Ottawa
- Canada
Our Company AgroPro Trading Co. ltd offers a healthy and nutritious range of chemical free Agricultural Products. We have been well reckoned as one of the leading Agricultural Product traders and... En savoir plus »
- Grains de café | Fèves de cacao | Blé tendre | Maïs | Maïs jaune | Maïs blanc | Noix de cajou | Châtaignes/Marrons | Ara...
- Tsarigradsko
- Bulgarie
Maijexport - international trading company that is rapidly growing and evolving, constantly expanding their circle of business partners.
Our company is engaged in trade of timber and lumber of... En savoir plus »
- Pylônes pour lignes électriques | Poteaux pour lignes électriques aériennes | Poteaux | Poteaux métalliques | Blé tendr...
- Sheffield
- Royaume-Uni
La plus grande entreprise de traitement des produits agricoles des pays baltes. Le groupe est actif dans la vente de volaille, l'élevage de volaille à pedigree, farines de blé et de seigle, fo... En savoir plus »
- Minoterie | Alimentation - import-export | Elevage - import-export | Agriculture - import-export | Fourrage et paille |...
- Kaunas
- Lituanie
China-Russia Trade Corporation is a commercial structure that ensures the foreign economic interests of Russian Federation on the territory of People’s Republic of China and solves a set of tasks a... En savoir plus »
- Produits de la polyculture | Maïs | Céréales et grains | Maïs | Maïs jaune | Colza et graines de colza | Huile de lin al...
- Москва
- Russie
Grainworks is a unique family farming operation, established in 1912. We received our first
organic certification in the late-1980’s. Our specialty is high quality certified organic cereal
grains, l... En savoir plus »
- Blé dur | Graines oléagineuses | Farine de blé | Produits à base de grains de céréales | Sécheurs d'herbes et de céréal...
- Vulcan
- Canada
ASIA AFRICA GENERAL TRADING LLC, Head quartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Specialized in supply chain Management of Agri Food Commodities , such as Grains, oil Oil Seeds, Pulses, Rice, Sugar,... En savoir plus »
- Blé | Maïs | Maïs jaune | Riz Basmati | Riz noir | Riz Jasmin | Fèves | Pois chiche | Haricots de soja | Haricots ver...
- Dubai
- Émirats arabes unis
Bioway (Xi'an) Organic Ingredients Co., Ltd. is engaged in research, production and trading of organic products, which include organic herbs and extracts, organic fruits and vegetables, organic... En savoir plus »
- Blé | Céréales biologiques | Haricots de soja | Haricots Vigna | Haricots verts | Haricots mungo | Lentilles bio | Noix ...
- Xi'An
- Chine
FOODThink is a gourmet lifestyle food brand, recently launched by Sahuwala Group. At FOODThink
( Manufacturer and supplier of wheat germ and wheat bran), we strive to address the new-age need for... En savoir plus »
- Son de blé | Son | Son diététique | Griots de maïs | Griots de sarrasin | Germes de blé
- Pune
- Inde
We, thezonelife, are the Trade Company that is exporting great Korean products to overseas countries with the goal of supplying the better products for the world.
We've continually tried our... En savoir plus »
- Coopératives de producteurs de fruits et légumes | Coopératives viticoles | Coopératives de producteurs de viande et vol...
- Seoul
- Corée du Sud
Shaanxi Allstate Tech&Trade Co.Ltd. established in 2003. Its main business contains export and import machinery parts and manufacture products according to clients' drawing and sample.... En savoir plus »
- Mise en bouteille du vinaigre | Mélange à façon pour industries alimentaires | Mise en bouteille d'huile alimentaire | C...
- Xi'An
- Chine
JJPI International Imports and Exports Pvt. Ltd. Established in the year 2007.We are in the consumer product line and our main products comprise of Caned Sugar,Vegetable Cooking oil, Olive Oil,... En savoir plus »
- Blé | Noix de cajou | Huile d'olive | Huile de palme | Huile d'arachide | Huile de colza | Huile de soja | Huile de ...
- Bangalore
- Inde
Manufacturer and Exporters of Three Wheeler, Hand Operated Tricycles, Wheelchair, Walker, Crutches, Hearing Aids and Mopeds/Motor Cycles with Three Wheeler and Both Side Wheel Attachment System.
- Constructions mécaniques en aluminium | Outillage pour le bâtiment | Robinets à tournant sphérique | Robinets à papi...
- Indore
- Inde
AGC CHEMICAL is a leading company in the field of sourcing and supplying of various absorbents such as Zeolite Molecular Sieve, Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS), Activated Alumina, Activated Alumina... En savoir plus »
- Soudage | Sous-traitants pour la production et à la distribution d' électricité | Travaux d'isolation contre l'humidité ...
- Delhi
- Inde
We are in the field of turmeric supplieing since 100 years we are currently supplying all over India and supply to actual exporters for their overseas requirement. We would like to supply to the... En savoir plus »
- Blé | Maïs | Maïs jaune | Pois chiche | Haricots de soja | Haricots verts | Graines oléagineuses | Huile de sésame | Hui...
- Nizamabad
- Inde
About us: At Bloom Packaging, we make High Barrier innovative packages and designs that have revolutionized the liquid packaging concept in India. It is the passion for innovation and excellence... En savoir plus »
- Agents d'achat pour papier et carton | Blé | Groupe électrogène diesel | Pièces pour moteurs, générateurs et trans...
- Mumbai
- Inde
Gossypium & Co is a company dedicated to agro commodities business. It has main office in Brazil and a European office in Italy
We develop business opportunities connected to
- ... En savoir plus »
- Coton | Coton brut | Blé tendre | Maïs jaune | Maïs blanc | Haricots de soja | La paissa | Soja modifié | Sorgho en gra...
- Luis Eduardo Magalhaes
- Brésil
BCA Grain Feed Company Limited (BGFC) is a diverse, agri-business company headquartered in Arusha, Tanzania. Its principal businesses are grain elevator services (merchandising, drying, storing),... En savoir plus »
- Blé | Sorgho | Maïs | Maïs blanc | Céréales biologiques | Riz biologique | Riz | Mil
- Arusha
- Tanzanie