• No. 609 Shangjhong Village, Minsyong Township
  • Chiayi County, 62156
  • تايوان
  • هاتف:886-5-2207275
  • فاكس: ---.---.-----
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TC Tea Shop is an online tea shop owned by TC Formosa Tea Co., Ltd. We dedicate ourselves to offer high quality Formosa tea (especially for Formosa oolong tea) with reasonable pricing directly to worldwide tea lovers. By means of shopping at our online shop, you'll enjoy the freshest, classic, aromatic and fancy Formosa tea that you have never experienced before. All available teas at this online shop are directly from our own tea gardens or contracted tea gardens in Taiwan. Therefore, the quality, safety and origin of our teas are 100% guaranteed.

Tea from Taiwan is known for Formosa tea. We hope more and more Formosa tea lovers will be able to acquire preferred Formosa teas through our direct online service. The online shop contains almost all representative Formosa teas (including oolong tea, black tea and green tea) from major tea growing areas in Taiwan. Each tea variety is almost available for both wholesale ordering and online purchase. We look forward to your visit to explore and discover the beauty and profundity of Formosa tea world.

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