搜索結果: 地毯
發現12 公司首選上市有關: 地毯
Karacahan-Lodos carpet is a shining star in the carpet sector, which exports its products to the 5 continents with the slogan “ new faces of places “.
It is first founded in 1995 as a family b... 閱讀更多 »
- 地毯 | 工业地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯,地垫和地毯 | 机制地毯 | 地毯,染色的 | 地毯,抗压耐轧的 | 地毯,憎尘式 | 地毯,有梭纹的 | 狭长走廊地毯...
- Gaziantep
- 土耳其
Geelong Cleaning Service is one of the most reliable and efficient cleaning companies in Geelong helping local population to live their lifestyle with domestic cleaning, industrial cleaning, carpet... 閱讀更多 »
- 清洁服务 | 清洁公司 | 清洁 | 清洗设备 | 地毯 | 地毯打浆,清洗机,洗头,洗衣 | 地毯清洁设备,电动的,商用的 | 家里家具干洗服务 | 清洁地毯 | 地毯制造商...
- Geelong
- 澳大利亚
CarpetLive is an online store for Modern carpets. We have the exotic collections of Modern Persian, Jute, Durries Ziegler, Contemporary and many more varieties of rugs that you don't get in... 閱讀更多 »
- 地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯和化纤地毯 | 狭长走廊地毯 | 地毯和地毯 | 地毯 | 挂毯 | 挂毯 | 手工打结地毯...
- Bhadohi
- 印度
Abbas Carpets offers a curated selection of high-quality, handcrafted rugs and carpets. Their collections feature designs inspired by various cultural traditions, including Mamluk, Oushak, Serapi,... 閱讀更多 »
- 打结地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯,地垫和地毯 | 地毯和化纤地毯 | 工艺织毯 | 机制地毯 | 地毯,绝热的 | 楼梯地毯 | 地毯,重型的...
- New York NY
- 美国
Discount Carpet and Flooring offers quality flooring of all kinds. From tile, to new carpet, we have the best products around. We offer 2 rooms installed completely for $299 and we have 12 colors to... 閱讀更多 »
- 镶木地板 | 木地板工作 | 地毯铺设 | 地毯 | 地毯,地垫和地毯 | 地毯 | 塑料层压板 | 地毯,地毯品,地毯片 | 房子地板选择服务...
- Eastpointe
- 美国
- 狭长走廊地毯 | 地毯和地毯 | 地毯 | 垫 | 门前擦鞋的垫子(擦鞋垫) | 地毯和脚垫,浴室用 | 地毯和脚垫 | 洗发液(香波) | 床边地毯 | 浴,地毯...
- NA
- 摩洛哥
Competitive Commercial Carpet is a company devoted to securing overruns, specials, and discontinued styles of carpet directly from the mills. By selling this carpet for the mills at a largely... 閱讀更多 »
- 地毯砖 | 地毯 | 地毯,印花的 | 狭长走廊地毯 | 地毯,刺绣用的 | 地毯和地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯,纺织纤维...
- Dalton
- 美国
We are 100% manufacturer and exporter of Home Furnishing product in Karur . Our main products are BED LINEN, KITCHEN LINEN, LIVING LINEN, CUSHION COVER, CUSHIONS, TABLE LINEN PRODUCTS.
We can s... 閱讀更多 »
- 刺绣缝补服务 | 刺绣裁剪服务 | 织造,服务 | 纺织品的精加工 | 纺织纱线清杂服务 | 纱线和纤维染色和整理服务,按客户规格的 | 面料染色和整理服务,按客户规格定制的 | 纬纱或经纱织补服务,面料整理用 | 面料褶裥效应整理服务 |...
- Karur
- 印度
Abbas Carpets specializes in high-quality, handwoven rugs that blend traditional craftsmanship with modern design. Their collections include a diverse range of styles, from eclectic and heritage... 閱讀更多 »
- 地毯 | 狭长走廊地毯 | 地毯,刺绣用的 | 地毯和地板覆盖物,抗静电的 | 地毯和地毯 | 地毯 | 地毯及挂毯...
AppCrafts is the brand of PMR Apparels and Handicrafts. AppCrafts is the combination of App and Crafts. App is the short form of Apparels which comes from Redsun Apparels Ltd. and Crafts comes from... 閱讀更多 »
- 地毯 | 门垫
- Dhaka
- 孟加拉国
An awning is a covering commonly made of fabric or aluminum that extends over an outdoor area to provide extra shade and space for homeowners or businesses.
- 地毯 | 地毯 | 铝棒 | 铝合金棒
- Mumbai
- 印度