搜索結果: 桌布
發現6 公司首選上市有關: 桌布
Our company was established in 1995. Many European countries; Roller blinds, zebra blinds, venetian blinds are exporting textile fabrics and techniques. The only fabric in the form of our products... 閱讀更多 »
- 长靠椅 | 沙发床 | 沙发、沙发椅和长沙发,软包的 | 沙发,装软垫的皮革制的 | 办公沙发 | 沙发床 | 儿童沙发 | 藤/柳条沙发, | 实木橱柜 | 实木餐桌...
- Bahçeşehir
- 土耳其
We are producer of towels and bathrobes. We produce any kind of towel or terry products for customized promotional purposes.Our capacity is about 80tons per month with 22looms. The establishment of... 閱讀更多 »
- 纺织品—进出口 | 漂白棉布,用于制服装和家纺 | 棉—面料 | 面料,棉布,床上用品 | 面料,棉花,浴室用品 | 纯棉面料(贸易) | 枕套 | 床单 | 床垫套 | 片...
- denizli
- 土耳其
For four generations Bottigelli’s family has been working and investing in the company, which has a leader role in the production of PVC calenderd sheets since 1935.
Our core business is the p... 閱讀更多 »
- 的leathercloth,聚氯乙烯(PVC) | 橡胶和塑料材料 | 未经处理的PVC相框 | PVC,聚氯乙烯 | 塑料—工业用基础用品 | 游泳池配件,塑料 | 塑料缝纫用品(贸易) | 浴室用品,塑料的(贸易) | 家电塑料 | 防...
- Busto Arsizio
- 意大利
SHANGHAI HANYUN INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO. LTD. is an innovative business specializing in handkerchiefs, scarves, bandanas, napkins, microfiber, towels, fabric and some relevant gifts designing and... 閱讀更多 »
- 手帕,天然纤维的 | 手帕,人造纤维的 | 手帕,白的 | 手帕,彩色的 | 手帕,印花的 | 手帕,原色的 | 手帕,手工绣花的 | 手帕,机绣的 | 手帕,蕾丝装饰的 | 手帕,精美的,女士用的...
- 上海
- 中国
Hotel Textile Turkey: Your Premier Source for Luxurious Hospitality Textiles
Hotel Textile Turkey is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hospitality textiles in Turkey. We... 閱讀更多 »
- 布生产顾问 | 纺织品涂敷顾问 | 顾问,用于室内装饰用纺织品 | 服装生产顾问 | 纺织品生产顾问 | 模型设计顾问,纺织工业用的 | 时尚纺织品设计顾问 | 刺绣缝补服务 | 蕾丝缝制服务 | 刺绣裁剪服务...
- Istanbul
- 土耳其