搜索結果: 窗帘布
發現8 公司首選上市有關: 窗帘布
Our company was established in 1995. Many European countries; Roller blinds, zebra blinds, venetian blinds are exporting textile fabrics and techniques. The only fabric in the form of our products... 閱讀更多 »
- 长靠椅 | 沙发床 | 沙发、沙发椅和长沙发,软包的 | 沙发,装软垫的皮革制的 | 办公沙发 | 沙发床 | 儿童沙发 | 藤/柳条沙发, | 实木橱柜 | 实木餐桌...
- Bahçeşehir
- 土耳其
Pure Fine Fabrics is your ultimate destination for exquisite home decor fabrics collection. Our curated collection caters to discerning individuals seeking quality and style for their interior... 閱讀更多 »
- 布艺家居装饰 | 装饰布 | 沙发面料 | 窗帘布
- Mumbai
- 印度
Teasels offer a vast array of pattern books, some which are exclusive to us, samples, wallpaper, exclusive paint finishes and soft furnishings. We have an extensive range of fabrics and finishes to... 閱讀更多 »
- 窗帘,窗帘,帷幔和纺织窗帘 | 窗帘 | 百叶窗 | 室内窗帘 | 纺织百叶窗 | 垂直帘 | 窗帘,纺织品,日用 | 窗帘布 | 缓冲 | 窗帘和遮阳帘(贸易)...
- Tunbridge wells
- 英国
Gierlings Velpor is a major European player in velvet and synthetic fur for different market segments: Fashion, Upholstery, Transportation and Technical Fabrics. Belonging to one of the most... 閱讀更多 »
- 家具用面料 | 座椅面料 | 起绒织物 | 工业布,用于制皮辊 | 沙发面料 | 窗帘布 | 家居用品和室内装璜人造纤维面料 | 天鹅绒—面料 | 毛绒—面料 | 桩...
- Santo Tirso, Porto
- 葡萄牙
Hotel Textile Turkey: Your Premier Source for Luxurious Hospitality Textiles
Hotel Textile Turkey is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hospitality textiles in Turkey. We... 閱讀更多 »
- 布生产顾问 | 纺织品涂敷顾问 | 顾问,用于室内装饰用纺织品 | 服装生产顾问 | 纺织品生产顾问 | 模型设计顾问,纺织工业用的 | 时尚纺织品设计顾问 | 刺绣缝补服务 | 蕾丝缝制服务 | 刺绣裁剪服务...
- Istanbul
- 土耳其
We are 100% manufacturer and exporter of Home Furnishing product in Karur . Our main products are BED LINEN, KITCHEN LINEN, LIVING LINEN, CUSHION COVER, CUSHIONS, TABLE LINEN PRODUCTS.
We can s... 閱讀更多 »
- 刺绣缝补服务 | 刺绣裁剪服务 | 织造,服务 | 纺织品的精加工 | 纺织纱线清杂服务 | 纱线和纤维染色和整理服务,按客户规格的 | 面料染色和整理服务,按客户规格定制的 | 纬纱或经纱织补服务,面料整理用 | 面料褶裥效应整理服务 |...
- Karur
- 印度
Hangzhou Feinan Fabric Co.,Ltd. /Hangzhou HanYang Textile Co.,Ltd. is located in XiangYang Village,YaQian Town ,XiaoShan District , HangZhou ,ZheJiang Province, China.
Our company was founded in... 閱讀更多 »
- 窗帘布 | 窗帘布 | 窗帘和窗帘制造商 | 窗帘制造商
- 中国