Dosing pump

Pompi tat-tqassim

$ 2000 USD / Piece


Mhux disponibbli

Mhux disponibbli


Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

Dosing Pump

Specifications of Dosing pumps :

Suitable to handle most corrosive fluids

Accuracy at repeatability : + 3%

Steady state accuracy up to + 3%

Also suitable for continuous duty

Protection : IP65

Maximum discharge flow, maximum discharge pressure

Dosing Pump

Unique dosing system, Nasik( Maharashtra, India) manufactures advanced range of Dosing Pumps that can be use for mixing of different material. Dosing Pump is a positive relegation pump designed to pump the precise inflow rate of a chemical or substance into water, brume or gas inflow. Dosing pump is small pump powered by either small electric motor or air selector and controlled by external control system or internal pump regulator that alter the inflow rate. Dosing Pumps offered by us are manufactured using rearmost ways and supervised by educated quality control mastermind. Unique dosing system uniquely designs these pumps for the outside inflow rate in tropical temperature and in acidic terrain also. Remedying Pumps are use for dosing different fluids with high density and for chemically aggressive and poisonous fluid. Remedying pumps have a large range of operation across a number of diligence similar as water treatment, artificial manufacturing, husbandry, food processing, medical, and mining. either, they also used for product like flocculants.