Riżultati għal: Ikel iffriżat
Kumpaniji 35 FoundListings preferuti relatati ma: Ikel iffriżat
Chape - Funghi DOO company which is stated in Demir Hisar, Macedonia, more than 20 years processes, maintains, freezes, retails and exports wild mushrooms Boletus
Since 2011 Chape - Funghi began... Aqra Aktar »
- Frott u berries | Għasel prodotti | Faqqiegħ, ffriżati | Frott u berries, ffriżati | Ikel iffriżat | Faqqiegħ iffriżat |...
- Demir Hisar, Demir Hisar
- Maċedonja
Welcome to Canature Processing Ltd!
Located in British Columbia, Canada, Canature Processing Ltd. is a forward thinking company using top quality innovative technology. We utilize... Aqra Aktar »
- Manifattura ta' ikel lest għall-annimali domestiċi | Jiffriżaw servizzi tnixxif għall-ikel | Servizzi iffriżar tal-ikel ...
- Langley
- Kanada
I come from L & H Food limited company in Vietnam country.
We export frozen fruits, juices, vegetables.
Now our company would like to send the company our products, with the hope that you will... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat
- -Bao Loc City
- Vjetnam
The seed of our family-run business was planted in a small Nova Scotia town blessed with ideal conditions for growing Wild Blueberries. The year was 1968 and Oxford Frozen Foods was a small company... Aqra Aktar »
- Cranberries | Ikel iffriżat | Frott, konġelati u ffriżati | Pejsts tal-frott minn blueberries | Karrotti iffriżat | Fro...
- Oxford
- Kanada
In 1986, our company started primarily as a seafood supplier, but over the years has grown to become one of the largest distributors of frozen, dry and chilled Japanese food products and... Aqra Aktar »
- frott tal-baħar, deep-frozen | Seafood, imnixxef | Ikel iffriżat | frott tal-baħar, freeze-dried | Ikel Ġappuniż | Frot...
- Vancouver
- Kanada
Fine Choice Foods is a Canadian-owned, family run business dedicated to delivering quality Asian foods for the North American market since 1986. We started out as a small retail store on Cambie... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat | Noodles | Ross asian | Għaġina orjentali | Kċina orjentali | Importaturi | Ispeċjalitajiet ikel, ħwie...
- Richmond
- Kanada
Safco’s journey started in 1994, a family owned business founded and flourished under the leadership of CEO Mr. Ajit Singh Sawhney, whose vision & determination saw SAFCO diversifying its wings t... Aqra Aktar »
- Dispensers, plastik, għall toilet paper | Ħut tal-familja tal-merluzz | Laħam u tjur | Laħam u frott tal-baħar | Ispe...
- dubai
- Emirati Għarab Maqgħuda
SHOUGUANG YIDUO IMPORT & EXPORT CO.,LTD.was founded in 2012 May,Website:http://www.ydfrozenfood.com, is a collection of planting base, processing, storage, sale as one of the import and export... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat | Ħxejjex iffriżati | Iffriżati ċirasa u l-għanbaqar | Qamħ iffriżat | Karrotti iffriżat | Karfus iffriżat...
- Shandong
- Ċina
With over 30 years of experience and unmatched reputation in importing and distributing food products from the Pacific Rim and other regions of the world, Canda Six Fortune Enterprise Co. Ltd. has... Aqra Aktar »
- Zlazi | Ikel snack | Ikel iffriżat | Noodles | Kunsinna ikel | Prodotti coconut | Ross | Ikel bl-ingrossa u prodotti ...
- Burnaby
- Kanada
From the start, Canada Volumes Import/Export Inc. has been proudly committed to provide products with exceptional value and superior quality. Be it national supermarket chains, bakeries, or local... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel - l-importazzjoni-esportazzjoni | Importaturi-esportaturi, ikel u xorb | Ikel moħmi | Zlazi | Ikel iffriżat | N...
- Surrey
- Kanada
The seed of our family-run business was planted in a small Nova Scotia town blessed with ideal conditions for growing Wild Blueberries. The year was 1968 and Oxford Frozen Foods was a small company... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat | Frott, konġelati u ffriżati | Frott iffriżati | Frott u ħaxix, imnixxef | Cranberries, imnixxef | Iffr...
- Oxford
- Kanada
B&C Food Distributors is the Vancouver Island branch of Centennial Foodservice. Centennial is a Canadian owned food company founded in 1967. Over the years, we have grown to be the largest... Aqra Aktar »
- Prodotti mill-ħalib | Ikel moħmi | Ikel iffriżat | Prodotti pproċessati ta' l-ikel | Prodotti tal-ikel | Servizz ta 'ik...
- Saanichton
- Kanada
McCain Foods Limited is the world’s largest manufacturer of frozen potato specialties and
also produces other food products, including pizza, appetizers, oven meals and desserts.
Our products can b... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat | Ikliet, iffriżat | Ħxejjex iffriżati | Patata ffriżata | Ikel iffriżat ingrossa | Manifatturi ikel iffri...
- Toronto
- Kanada
A full-service public refrigerated warehousing company located in Richmond and is centrally located between seaports, highways to the U.S. border and the rest of Canada. Leader stores and handles a... Aqra Aktar »
- Imħażen, ħażna kiesħa | Ikel iffriżat | Freezers | Ippakkjar | Imħażen bi tkessiħ kmamar | Mħażen kiesħa
- Richmond
- Kanada
Heritage Frozen Foods Ltd. is an Edmonton, Alberta, Canada based food processing
company that continues to provide Canadian and American families with high-quality, value
priced perogies under the... Aqra Aktar »
- Torti, bacon u bajd | Ikel iffriżat | Għaġin mimli | Prodotti ta' l-għaġin | Ikel semi-ppreparati | Ikel etniċi, iffri...
- Edmonton
- Kanada
Asian appetizers and frozen skillet meals from Ajinomoto will be the highlight of your next party. Ajinomoto USA is delivering the essence of Asian good taste to America. Through our frozen skillet... Aqra Aktar »
- Prodotti minn ħut iffriżat | Snack Ċiniż | Prodotti tal-ikel, imkessaħ | Ikel iffriżat
- Ontario
- Stati Uniti
Asian appetizers and frozen skillet meals from Ajinomoto will be the highlight of your next party. Ajinomoto USA is delivering the essence of Asian good taste to America. Through our frozen favorites... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat | Ross asian | Manifatturi ikel iffriżat | Ikel iffriżat, ippakkjat
- Ontario
- Stati Uniti
As a North American leader in the production of prepared meals and entrées, we have
a passion for food and take pride in helping our retail and foodservice partners efficiently
and safely meet ... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat | Ikliet, iffriżat | Ikliet imsajra lesti, iffriżati | Lasanja | Manifatturi ikel iffriżat | Ikel iff...
- Edmonton
- Kanada
MIC Food® is the pioneer of the frozen ready-to-cook tropical vegetable industry since 1987. Leaders in frozen tropical products for nearly 30 years, MIC Food brings value-added tropical fruits and ... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat | Manifattura ta 'ikel
- Miami
- Stati Uniti
PA Food is a leading family-owned Malaysian frozen food supplier & manufacturer specialising in Asian flatbread, steamed buns, Asian pastry snacks, sauces and food pastes. We supply to a variety... Aqra Aktar »
- Ikel iffriżat
- Semenyih
- Malasja