搜索结果: 陶瓷直发器
发现5 公司首选上市有关: 陶瓷直发器
Laptit is an online store specializing in hair care products. The company was founded in 2022 and aims to provide high-quality products at reasonable prices to help customers achieve healthy and... 阅读更多 »
- 梳子,可吹风的,电的,用于理发师 | 烫发钳,电的 | 电卷发器和头发拉直器,理发师用 | 卷发器 | 直发 | 陶瓷直发器 | 发刷 | 梳子 | 梳子 | 发梳、发夹、发束带...
- Dubai
- 阿拉伯联合酋长国
Our company has been a professional manufacturer and exporter of different kinds of electric household appliances, such as vacuum cleaners, electric kettles, toasters, coffee makers, and heaters for... 阅读更多 »
- 吸尘器 | 冰淇淋制造商 | 直发 | 陶瓷直发器 | 男士剃须及脱毛产品 | 烧烤炉 | 食品加工 | 其他家电 | 面包机 | 绞肉机...
- 香港
Established in 1994, Topaxen Hair Beauty Products Firm is a specialized manufacturer of all kinds of hair care and cosmetic products. Relying on superior quality and excellent service, our products... 阅读更多 »
- 保健品代理 | 时装配饰设计服务 | 使用的工具 | 剃须刀刀片 | 工具包 | 工具盒 | 其他工具包装 | 初乳 | 理发椅 | 沙龙小车...
- 香港
The mission of our company is "GOOD living with quality products, we CARE for you". We are committed to supplying home appliances with innovative designs and professional services. We are... 阅读更多 »
- 卷发器 | 直发 | 陶瓷直发器 | 吹风机
- Baoan, Shenzhen
- 中国