搜索结果: 领带和领结
发现2 公司首选上市有关: 领带和领结
SHANGHAI HANYUN INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO. LTD. is an innovative business specializing in handkerchiefs, scarves, bandanas, napkins, microfiber, towels, fabric and some relevant gifts designing and... 阅读更多 »
- 手帕,天然纤维的 | 手帕,人造纤维的 | 手帕,白的 | 手帕,彩色的 | 手帕,印花的 | 手帕,原色的 | 手帕,手工绣花的 | 手帕,机绣的 | 手帕,蕾丝装饰的 | 手帕,精美的,女士用的...
- 上海
- 中国
Since then, things have changed. Considerably! The digital age brings efficiency and pushes boundaries, especially with service and design.
Back then, it was all about production, and now it’s about ... 阅读更多 »
- 领带 | 领带和领结 | 关系,商店
- Bridgeton
- 英国