搜索結果: 糖
發現3686 公司首選上市有關: 糖
ExFuture sun is an international trading company, since 2007, supply grains, seeds, cereals, oilseeds, corn, lentils and other agricultural products. We use expertise and our experience in... 閱讀更多 »
- 玉米 | 大豆 | 糖 | 食品小麦 | 大麦 | 扁豆
- Ottawa
- 加拿大
P&P Prokopiou Trading Ltd was established in Cyprus in 2001 by the founders, brothers Prokopis and Polis Prokopiou. The main purpose of the company is the import, export, agent and distribution.... 閱讀更多 »
- 肉糜 | 罐头猪肉 | 凤尾鱼 | 金枪鱼罐头 | 橄榄油 | 向日葵油 | 浓缩奶 | 面粉 | 果馅饼 | 早餐谷物...
- Dhali
- 塞浦路斯
... 閱讀更多 »
- 食品—进出口 | 饮料—进出口 | 食用油和油脂 | 不含巧克力的甜食 | 糖 | 可可和巧克力 | 咖啡和茶 | 提取的调味品及辛香佐料 | 不含酒精的带气饮料 | 食品特产...
- Berlin
- 德国
The established trademarks of both Lantic and Rogers are being used by Lantic Inc. as we leverage the historic brand awareness we enjoy in Eastern Canada with the Lantic name, and Western Canada with... 閱讀更多 »
- 糖的精制服务 | 糖 | 有机糖 | 红糖 | 食糖,液体的 | 砂糖 | 糖浆 | 糖粉 | 糖浆 | 卡纸
- Vancouver
- 加拿大
Allow me to introduce ourselves as Smart Experts General Trading working in Dubai as newly established company. We deal in various products like Rice, Sugar, Spices, Pulses, Silica sand, Cement,... 閱讀更多 »
- 水泥 | 面粉 | 糖 | 铬矿 | 煤炭 | 盐 | 食品加工 | 扁豆
- Dubai
- 阿拉伯联合酋长国
Dafne 51 Limited is registered in Sofia, Bulgaria. The company has got 3 warehouses: in Sofia (Bulgaria), in Trieste (Italy) and Munich (Germany). The main trading aims of the company are coffee... 閱讀更多 »
- 饼干和饼干 | 糖 | 茶饮料 | 原味奶茶 | 研磨咖啡 | 速溶咖啡 | 咖啡豆,JAVA | 面条 | 咖啡壶
- Munich
- 德国
In YOULOR WORLD TRADE Export Import, we are number one to close deals around the world, we are a company dedicated on Export and Import, food, electrics, autos, etc.
Our compromise is locate... 閱讀更多 »
- 小麦 | 核桃 | 美洲山核桃 | 新鲜鳄梨 | 螃蟹 | 糖 | Seefood调味品 | 缝纫机
- Lakewood
- 美国
Brief Profile
We are a dynamic resource network having offices all over the world. We bring together business around the globe. We have well-knit team of professionals, assisted by a dynamic staff... 閱讀更多 »
- 水泥 | 生棉(贸易) | 玉米 | 黄玉米 | 巴斯马蒂大米 | 糖 | 废钢 | 饭
- Dnipropetrovsk
- 乌克兰
DESTINATION,咖啡、茶、糖、可可和天然产品制造和经销商 – 手工烘焙和商店 – Destination是位于吉伦特地区的天然有机和公平交易产品加工、包装和经销公司。对美食充满热情,我们提供高质量产品... 閱讀更多 »
- 公平貿易 | 糖 | 可可和巧克力 | 浸泡式药草茶 | 茶叶 | 咖啡和茶
- Bordeaux
- 法国
We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as the Swiss office of the CJ Petrow Group South Africa.
Our company, who has been supplying the food industry for many years, has developed exclusive... 閱讀更多 »
- 进出口—代理 | 糖 | 纱布,人造纤维的 | 纱布,天然纤维的 | 纱布,上过浆的 | 纱布,用于刺绣 | 纱布,用于梳理 | 纱布,用于衬里 | 纱布,用于绝热 | 纱布,树脂浸渍的,用于技术方面...
- Geneva
- 瑞士
为罗马尼亚市场寻购新鲜和冷冻水果蔬菜,我们寻求希望扩大市场的合作伙伴和生产商,我们热衷于发展独家经销协议,目前我们专营: 油和糖、马铃薯、苹果、橙子、梨、洋葱等。... 閱讀更多 »
- 饭 | 土豆 | 新鲜蔬菜 | 植物油 | 食用油和油脂 | 糖
- 罗马尼亚
We are Bornnet Corporation Co., Ltd. From Thailand, manufacturing and exporting prestigious beauty and herbal cosmetic products internationally. It are made with Thai herbals.
1. Gel for men, sex... 閱讀更多 »
- 鱼油 | 动物油 | 椰子油 | 糖 | 化肥 | 其他乳房护理产品 | 护肤品
- Bangkok
- 泰国
Ligerion是位于莫斯科的法律事务所,为外国客户在俄罗斯的利益提供法律代理。我们的工作立基于商业活动的关键领域:公司、M & A并购交易、金融、诉讼、争端解决和税务。我们以俄罗斯和CIS区域经验提供商业解决方案... 閱讀更多 »
- 法律—咨询 | 小麦 | 有机谷物 | 油料种子 | 糖 | 燕麦
- Moskva
- 俄罗斯
ICTS was founded in 2011 with mission to provide customers 360° services in obtaining commodities, logistics, business partners search as well as the establishment of companies in Slovakia and ... 閱讀更多 »
- 糖 | 物流服务 | 航空货物运输服务 | 铁路运输物流 | 物流服务 | 河运物流
- Bratislava
- 斯洛伐克
Creative Center Co. established in 1996, is a group of companies aims to serve you and be your eyes to a new world of marketing, promoting and working along with our... 閱讀更多 »
- 家禽和牲畜,产品 | 牛肉 | 鲜鸡肉 | 橄榄油 | 糖 | 数字录音机 | 其他教育用品 | 其他金属废料...
- Amman
- 土耳其
We are global sourcing, intending agents, brokers and traders who act as the serious facilitators for buying selling the major kinds of recycle scrap materials, commodities certain prime metals.... 閱讀更多 »
- 水泥 | 蜂蜜 | 糖 | 重晶石 | 沥青 | 磷肥 | 尿素 | 废钢 | 复合肥
- Doha
- 卡塔尔
Our company is making various business of negotiation, trade, restaurant chain point business, development of functional food and special permission etc.
We trade through our network of Five Oceans... 閱讀更多 »
- 糖 | 按摩鞋 | MP3 / MP4播放器充电器 | 锰矿 | 生铁 | 铁矿石
- Fort Valley
- 美国
M/s Rathi Agrotech Private Limited is an integral part of CCSGROUPS.NET.
Incepted in the year 2008, Rathi Agrotech Private Limited, is going to produce and supply a diverse range of seasonal... 閱讀更多 »
- 新鲜香蕉 | 糖 | 化肥 | 废钢 | 农业产品和商品
- New Delhi
- 印度
We are a Government Recognized Export House dealing in all kinds of Agricultural Commodities from India.
We deal in
* Rice (Basmati Non-Basmati)
* Sugar (Commercial and pharma)
* Oil Seeds... 閱讀更多 »
- 小麦 | 新鲜香蕉 | 糖 | 冷冻水果 | 农业产品和商品
- Mumbai
- 印度