Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Áburður
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Since 2010, we "Flochem Pumps & Engineers" have been offering high end Industrial Centrifugal Pump. Today, we are counted among the key Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
Metrop is specialist in high concentrate liquid fertilizers and plant boosters.
We have liquid NPK's like npk 10-40-20, npk 10-20-40, npk 20-20-20, npk 20-20-8.
All products we create are also... Lesa meira »
- Áburður í vökvaformi | Tracers Áburður, ör áburð | Annar áburður | Fosfat áburður | Kalíum áburð | Áburður | Annað áburð...
- Lopik
- Niðurlönd
Steadfast is a dynamic organization established to accomplish the growing demand of Stainless steel Non Ferrous raw materials. Empowered with a strong technically proficient team superior quality... Lesa meira »
- Pípur og rör, stál | Ryðfrítt rör stál | Hlutar viðgerðir rafhreyfla, rafala og spennubreyta | Áburður | Carbon stál lín...
- Chennai
- Indland
We are a agri-biotech company specializing in research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of fertilizers, plant growth nutrients and pest management products for the agricultural... Lesa meira »
- Kinematic Rannsóknir | Surface mótstöðu, rannsóknir | Áburður | Sveppum | Áttfætlumauraeyðir | Litarefni, tilbúið, fyrir...
- Secunderabad
- Indland
Vitasul from Sulvaris, Inc. is a brand new innovative high analysis Sulphur fertilizer that
provides an efficient and environmentally friendly source of plant nutrient sulphur, for a
number of... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Brennistein | Áburður fyrir búskap | Áburður til landbúnaðar | Áburður fyrir ræktun korn | Áburður framleiðend...
- Calgary
- Kanada
We supply 1.Sugar ICUMSA 45
2.Brown Sugar
3.Urea Prilled 46%N
5.Rice from Vietnam, Thai, India Pakistan.
6.Used Rails
7.HMS 1 2.
8.D2 Diesel Gas
9.Fuel Jet JP54
11.LPG... Lesa meira »
- Þýðingar | Þýðingar, heimilt | Svartur baunir | Bílar | Áburður | Farsíma | Agro vörur og vörur | Mineral vatn...
- Johor Bahru
- Malasía
Deqing Liancheng Plastics Co., Ltd. has specialized in making thermosetting plastic and It's finisehd products tableware in China for more than 15 years.
Our Powder factory covers 20,000... Lesa meira »
- Plastvörur | Mót | Áburður | Amín | Plast mótun
- Huzhou
- Kína
Ativa Biosciences is an export division of Organica Biotech Pvt. Ltd. We are a premier biotechnology business unit, dedicated to the developing, manufacturing and marketing of environmentally... Lesa meira »
- Fóðri | Lyfjaform Vélar og tæki, reconditioned | Áburður | Plant vöxt eftirlitsstofnanna | Vatn filters
- Mumbai
- Indland
Gursam International is a team of professionals, manufacturing exporting high quality bicycle parts accessories. The secret of success is the unrelenting business standard adopted by the... Lesa meira »
- Verkfæri fyrir bygginga | Ferskum tómötum | Reiðhjól | Aðrir hlutar hjólandi | Áburður | Sanitaryware
- Ludhiana
- Indland
We are only manufacturer of rear view side [mirror guard] by M. S metal sheet given a shape such a manner that it is fitted easily in your car mirror housing*****for Car like Mercedes, Honda city,... Lesa meira »
- Þak | Frosinn ávöxtum | Ritföng | Electric Motors | Bíll speglar | Útblásturskerfi | Vega vog | Kassa, pappa eða pappa |...
- Pune
- Indland
We are one of the Leading Agri-Horticulture Companies in India with more than 75 years of services having our office in Dubai,Malaysia,Singapore,Srilanka,Nigeria,India We have been growing and... Lesa meira »
- Sojabaunir | Fresh banana | Aðrar trefjar | Áburður | Coir vörur
- Chennai
- Indland
Import-Export Bureau" established in 2002 is one of the leadingconsortium of over 3000 companies from India and dedicated to offer International Marketing services and acts as a Foreign Trade... Lesa meira »
- Önnur þjónusta umboðsskrifstofa | Fresh banana | Viskí | Áburður | Biological varnarefni | Agro vörur og vörur
- Vadodara
- Indland
We, Auctus International, are a merchant exporting company. We are a team of young and enthusiastic people who are dedicated to the customer satisfaction. The young company is much active at... Lesa meira »
- Önnur þjónusta tilbúningur | Frosinn ávöxtum | Töskur | Áburður | Agro vörur og vörur | Sól vörur og tæki
- Rajkot
- Indland
Merchant Exporters With Expertise in Participating World Bank Funded Tenders Across Globe. Having Vast Experience in Sourcing Technically Competent and Good Quality Products as below, 1. Water... Lesa meira »
- Viðgerðir og viðhald bíla og vans | Viðgerðir og viðhald af rútum | Viðgerðir og viðhald á bílum | Uppbyggingu og endurb...
- Secunderabad
- Indland
Rallis is one of the largest Agrochemical companies in India with a turnover of USD 140 million. It is an integral part the TATA group which has a turnover of USD 17.6 Billion. Our strengths lie in... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Rótenón | Biomidler | Eddiksyremetalldehyd | Kamferbromid | Dinoseb | Olía, fyrir skordýraeitri | Skordýrum ál...
- Secunderabad
- Indland
We are the asia-pacific largest neem and coconut based product manufacturer. We make product as per QMP a per international Standard.
We are 100% Export company turn over cross of 100... Lesa meira »
- Hveiti | Kókos olíu | Áburður | Annað áburður | Coir vörur
- Chennai
- Indland
Ad Vahc Exports Marketing is an export company incepted in 2000. It has achieved continuous and substantial growth since then. The resources of the Company, both human and financial, have grown to... Lesa meira »
- Asía og Kyrrahafseyjar fatnaður | Dúkur | Áburður | Lækninga | Gluggatjöld | Ladieswear | Fatnaður
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
AGI Industries Private Limited has been incorporated for sole purpose of establishment it self in the Inorganic chemicals , fertilizers and water treatment industries. AGI Industries Private... Lesa meira »
- Plastefni | Áburður | Vatn filters | Blandaðs áburðar
- Ahmedabad
- Indland
M/s Rathi Agrotech Private Limited is an integral part of CCSGROUPS.NET.
Incepted in the year 2008, Rathi Agrotech Private Limited, is going to produce and supply a diverse range of seasonal... Lesa meira »
- Fresh banana | Sykur | Áburður | Stál rusl | Agro vörur og vörur
- New Delhi
- Indland
Manufacturer & Exporters of Water Ground Mica, Muscovite Mica Powder with Luster for Water based Paints, Sealants, Plaster, Putties, Phthylocyanine Blue Pigment, Calcite, Wollastanite,... Lesa meira »
- Leiga og útleiga starfsemi | Rafmagns verkfæri máttur | Dólómít | Tengi | Pípur og rör, stál | Núðlur | Skreytt hár-þrýs...
- Pune
- Indland
Government recognized exporter, importer, supplier and trader of international quality Cotton Seed, Potassium Humate, Agro Commodities, Animal Feed, Cattle Feed, Bird Feed, Castor, Chemical, Steam... Lesa meira »
- Olíufræ | Áburður | Önnur Birgðasali Baby og vörur | Metal rusl | Agro vörur og vörur
- Indore
- Indland
It gives us immense pleasure to introduce ourselves as Reino Group, an eminent service provider of ISO Consultants, ISO Certification Consultants, Copyright Registration, Company Formation... Lesa meira »
- Suðu | Raforkuframleiðslu og dreifingu iðnaður | Moisture Einangrun | Leggja gólf | Málverk - verktakar | Byggingu þjónu...
- Hooghly
- Indland
BICCO AGRO PRODUCTS PVT LTD is a pioneer in India in the development and production of unique biological inputs for enhancing sustainable productivity of agricultural, plantation, horticultural... Lesa meira »
- Fresh banana | Áburður | Sveppum | Áttfætlumauraeyðir | Nef Rjómi
- Kolkata
- Indland
Manufacturer, Exporters and Importers of Chemical Fertilizers Such As Urea, Ammonia, Di- Ammonium Phosphate, Complex Fertilizer, Granulated Fertilizer.
- Salerni, sýkla, plast | Jarðvegur improvers fyrir garðrækt | Pot Molta | Vaxandi Bag | Áburður fyrir trjám ávöxtum | Ábu...
- New Delhi
- Indland
Manufacturer, Importers & Exporters of Bio-Pesticides, Bio-Fertilizers & Pro-Biotics, Environment Management Microbes, Neem, Karanjin, Annonin. Bio Insecticides from Botanical Origin... Lesa meira »
- Áburður | Nagdýrum og meindýr skemma Umboðsverslun | Insektjagende sjóðir | Padda Hlífðar efni fyrir textíl iðnaði | Átt...
- Medak
- Indland
Manufacturer and Supplier of AC Pressure Pipes for Portable Water, Sewage, Process etc.
- Framkvæmdir | Klór rafala fyrir sundlaugar | Safna regnvatn fyrir Framkvæmdir | Síast Systems fyrir iðnaðar vatn, í neyð...
- New Delhi
- Indland
Manufacturer, Exportre & Supplier of Organic Manure Compost, Oil Seeds, Medicinal Plants, Indian Spices, Animal Feeds.
- Hveiti | Smjörlíki | Fitu, grænmeti, ætur | Fat, herti, ætur | Smjörlíki, borð smjörlíki | Smjörlíki, fljótandi | Fat, m...
- Delhi
- Indland
Manufacturers of all types of Micro Nutrient Fertilizers, Chemicals, Solvents & Acids.
- Áburður | Peracetic sýru | Tannic sýru | Propionsykloheksylsyre | Protokatekusyre | Pyrogallol | Metanól (tresyre) | Pyr...
- Vijayawada
- Indland
Manufacturer, Importer & Exporter of Aluminium Bars, Ferrous Alloys, Aluminium Ingots, Shots, Notch Bars, Aluminium Powder etc.
- Rafræn vistir | Rafbúnað og rafeindabúnað | Áburður | Metal rusl | Ferro Alloy | Ferroboron | Ferro Chrome | Cobalt járn...
- Ahmedabad
- Indland