Résultats de la recherche pour: Café
Entreprises 7537 trouvéssupplyautonomy.com/backyardbrew.us
Since 2016, Back Yard Brew has been delighting taste buds with our signature coffee and tea blends. As a beloved local spot, we're committed to crafting exceptional beverages that bring comfort... En savoir plus »
- Grains de café | Thé | Thé vert | Thé noir | Thé Oolong | Thé Pu'Er | Thé blanc | Infusions mélangées | Café torréfié en...
- Charlotte
- États-Unis
P&P Prokopiou Trading Ltd was established in Cyprus in 2001 by the founders, brothers Prokopis and Polis Prokopiou. The main purpose of the company is the import, export, agent and distribution.... En savoir plus »
- Pâtés | Charcuterie en conserve | Anchois | Thon en conserve | Huile d'olive | Huile de tournesol | Lait évaporé | Far...
- Dhali
- Chypre
Entreprise internationale de commerce de détail / commerce de gros de produits alimentaires : tablettes de chocolat, gaufres, huile d'olive, Döner congelé, viande congelée, viande hachée et en tr... En savoir plus »
- Alimentation - import-export | Boissons - import-export | Huiles et graisses alimentaires | Friandises non chocolatées ...
- Berlin
- Allemagne
One of the reasons people opt out of coffee consumption is the caffeine present in it. But what if you can have decaf coffee? In simple words, it comes with caffeine, providing you benefits. If this... En savoir plus »
- Café biologique | Préparations de cappuccino instantané | Café torréfié | Café décaféiné | Café moulu | Café bio | Café...
- Braybrook
- Australie
Maggie O'Brien's Sunset Hills is the best Irish restaurant and this is the best place to eat in St Louis. Its menu includes a variety of soups, salads, steaks, chops, chicken dishes,... En savoir plus »
- Préparations de cappuccino instantané | Additifs pour café | Chicorée grillée | Café et thé | Jus de pomme | Cidre et po...
- St. louis
- États-Unis
Emirati coffee is a big coffee wholesaler and supplier in UAE provide highest quality speciality coffee beans through direct trade with over 82 coffee producing countries, Emirati Coffee Dubai... En savoir plus »
- Grains de café | Café torréfié en grains | Café décaféiné en grains | Café brésilien | Café colombien
- Dubai
- Émirats arabes unis
Latin Organics is a family owned company with Latin American roots. We sell premium organic products under our registered banner. Every item chosen is certified organic in compliance with the USDA... En savoir plus »
- Cacao | Chocolat | Café colombien | Café biologique | Café bio | Café | Café en gros grillage | Café
- North Vancouver
- Canada
Few coffee roasters in North America can lay claim to the lineage like Milano Coffee. The legacy of Vancouver based Milano Coffee’s artisan tradition dates back three quarters of a century to the v... En savoir plus »
- Grains de café | Café torréfié en grains | Café africain | Café brésilien | Café d'Amérique Centrale | Café torréfié | C...
- Vancouver
- Canada
Les marques Case Bianche et Col Sandago sont des vins de très grande qualité contrôlés d'un bout à l'autre du cycle de production, et sont produits avec les techniques les plus modernes, eng... En savoir plus »
- Ingénierie conseil en production et traitement des boissons alcoolisées | Conseil en viticulture et viniculture | S...
- Susegana
- Italie
At Cafe Chocolat, we welcome you to experience our carefully crafted chocolates, heavenly beverages, and indulgent pastries in our warm and welcoming environment. Our incredibly rich coffee is... En savoir plus »
- Café torréfié en grains | Café décaféiné en grains | Mélanges de café | Préparations de cappuccino instantané | Extraits...
- Cedarhurst
- États-Unis
Looking for the sweet side of beach life along 30-A at Nigels Bananas! Nestled in Seaside, within the cool retreat of Ruskin Place, our shop is a delightful destination. Savor the goodness of a... En savoir plus »
- Crème glacée | Desserts | Café et succédanés | crème glacée, les wagons, les ventes directes | Café, boutiques | Les caf...
- 124 Quincy Cir, Santa Rosa Beach
- États-Unis
Safco’s journey started in 1994, a family owned business founded and flourished under the leadership of CEO Mr. Ajit Singh Sawhney, whose vision & determination saw SAFCO diversifying its wings t... En savoir plus »
- Distributeurs de papier toilette en matières plastiques | Poissons de la famille des gatidés | Viandes et volailles | V...
- dubai
- Émirats arabes unis
Fresh. Flavourful. Fabulous. Gelarmony gives you the taste of a true artisan style gelateria without going to Italy. With over 100 different flavours from Vanilla to Nutella to the exotic Guava,... En savoir plus »
- Fabrication de glaces et sorbets | Crème glacée | Desserts | Pâtisseries | Soupes | Crème glacée | Café | Salades
- Vancouver
- Canada
A comprehensive entity in overseas business, Capital Ventures India is attached to widespread operations offshore and inland.
Capital Ventures India is one of India's largest exporters of... En savoir plus »
- Café et thé | Thé et café | Déodorants et antisudorifiques | Beurre | Parfums & déodorants | Déodorants pour hommes | Dé...
- Delhi
- Inde
Pure Agri is an international export company, primarily focused on sourcing and supplying the purest agricultural products from Vietnam and throughout Asia to the rest of the world; including USA,... En savoir plus »
- Riz Jasmin | Noix de cajou | Noix de coco fraîche | Manioc frais | L'amidon | Grains de café de Liberica | Grains de c...
- Ho Chi Minh City
- Viêt Nam
China Talento (Group) Ltd existes more than 10 years, which is specialized in the exportation of China green tea, food, commodity, textile, furniture, etc.
Why choose ChinaTalento?
Competitive... En savoir plus »
- Gingembre frais | Poissons | Produits céréaliers bruts | Thé vert | Thé noir | Thé Oolong | Thé Pu'Er | Thé minceur | Th...
- Hangzhou
- Chine
Founded in 1973, Jiangsu Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import Export Group Corp. (abbreviated as JCOF) has earned an accumulated total exportation value of USD5 billion. We have been ranked for 10... En savoir plus »
- Fèves | Haricots de soja | Haricots Vigna | Haricots verts | Haricots beurre | Haricots mungo | Haricots noirs | ...
- Nanjing
- Chine
ASIA AFRICA GENERAL TRADING LLC, Head quartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Specialized in supply chain Management of Agri Food Commodities , such as Grains, oil Oil Seeds, Pulses, Rice, Sugar,... En savoir plus »
- Blé | Maïs | Maïs jaune | Riz Basmati | Riz noir | Riz Jasmin | Fèves | Pois chiche | Haricots de soja | Haricots ver...
- Dubai
- Émirats arabes unis
Aprichem Gida Paz. San. et Tic. Ltd. Sti., qui a été mentionné populairement comme Aprichem Produits alimentaires, est devenu un de l'exportateur principal de la Nourriture et de la Boisson en T... En savoir plus »
- Biscuits sucrés | Biscuits | Pop-corn | Biscuits et biscottes | Dragées | Confiserie de sucre | Bonbons jouets | S...
- Istanbul
- Turquie
We Bhaboo Enterprises located at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India are a well known manufacturer, fined processed exporter of multi-commodities. We have large line varieties of commodities for export... En savoir plus »
- Coton | Lin | Ramie | Bambou | Jonc | Rotin | Feuilles de palmier | Sorgho jaune à balai | Coton biologique | Osier ...
- Guntur
- Inde
Earth Coffee is fair trade, certified organic coffee. Sourced from Central and South America
and Eastern Africa. Current roasts include dark, medium, espresso and decaf. With Earth
Coffee being... En savoir plus »
- Thé biologique | Thé | Café biologique | Eaux minérales naturelles | Café bio | Le café le frit naturel | Café
- Edmonton
- Canada
Canterbury Coffee is a leading North American specialty roaster of premium 100% Arabica coffee, with roasting facilities on both sides of the country. We provide our customers, both operators and... En savoir plus »
- Café Arabica | Grains de café Arabica | Sauces | Smoothie | Les syrops | Café | Cocktails de fraises | Café en gros gri...
- Burnaby
- Canada
Established in 1976, Horizon is Western Canada’s leading distributor of organic and natural products. Horizon is known for dedication to logistical excellence, personalized account service, a c... En savoir plus »
- Miel naturel | Produits biologiques | Produits bio | Le café le frit naturel | services alimentaires, les distributeurs ...
- Burnaby
- Canada
Organic, Fair Trade and Rocky Mountain-roasted in Invermere, BC, Kicking Horse Coffee has been fueling discerning coffee addictions for almost 20 years. From humble beginnings, "The Horse";... En savoir plus »
- Boulangerie | Café biologique | Café bio | Café | Café en gros grillage | Café
- Invermere
- Canada
Come experience the true flavour of coffee at Viva Java -- the only cafe in Richmond where the coffee beans are roasted in-house, fresh every morning. Our wide selection of gourmet beans from around... En savoir plus »
- Grains de café | Café torréfié en grains | Torréfacteur de café | Café | Café en gros grillage | Les cafés
- Richmond
- Canada
Odaly's Delight Cafe is a quaint Cuban restaurant, located off of Southwest 24th Street, Miami, Florida, specializing in Latin fusion, burgers, baked goods and Latin food. Catering available... En savoir plus »
- Café colombien | Cafétéria | Délicatesse de viande | Plats cuisinés, magasins | Café
- Miami
- États-Unis
Kunming Qianxi Industry Trade Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997. We are a comprehensive company, integrating processing service and business trade on the basis of developing the western regions of... En savoir plus »
- Fèves | Haricots verts | Haricots noirs | Lentilles bio | Noix | Noix de citrouilles | Truffes | Blazei | Bolet | ...
- Kunming
- Chine
The Egg Lab is a modern industrial style place with retro details that stands out for making tasty brunches in Barcelona designed under solid principles and commitment to the environment. Discover... En savoir plus »
- Café africain | Café colombien | Café Arabica | Café moulu | Gastronomie - spécialités | Aliments préparés et boissons |...
- Barcelona
- Espagne
Transaction name: H.X EXPORT CENTRE
Address: 625/3 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh St., Ward 26, Binh Thanh Dist.,
HoChiMinh City, VietNam
Tel: +84-8-5117992 / 5117828
Fax: +84-8 5117829
First of all, we... En savoir plus »
- Minoterie | Haricots de soja | Noix de cajou | Bananes fraîches | Noix de coco fraîche | Fruits Dragon frais | Corail o...
- Ho Chi Minh City
- Viêt Nam