Резултати од пребарувањето за: Ѓубрива
Најде 3872 компанииsupplyautonomy.com/jowellsglobalservices.us
We are agricultural ptoducts, garments and petroleum crude oil products marketing and trading firm. We have been in business since 1989.
The products that we supply are-agricultural products such... Прочитај повеќе »
- Пченица | Ѓубрива | Агро производи и артикли
- Katy
- Соединети Американски Држави
Exporters of coir fiber, coco peat and Neem cake fertilizer
If have an interest to buy, Kindly contact us for further details.
- Други влакна | Ѓубрива | Тресет | Агро производи и артикли | Впиваат од кокосов орев производи...
- Tirunelveli
- Индија
Under the constant guidance of our Director Mr. R. G. Mandhane who has experience in agro chemical products for more than 15 years, we have been able to grow over the years. He has many years of... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Инсектицид
- Jalna
- Индија
Dear Sir,
We are ISO certified Company in India having presence across nations. We are registered
member of APEDA and SPICES BOARD (government bodies of India). We deal with a
range of products... Прочитај повеќе »
- Свежо манго | Филтер помагала | Ѓубрива
- Ahmedabad
- Индија
Organic liquid fertilizer, natural protein fertilizer.
- Протеини | Ѓубрива | Фунгициди
- Ahmedabad
- Индија
We are company based in Houston, texas and have been in business since 1981. We are dealing with the following countries, Germany, United Kingdom, France, holland, Sweden, netherland, Turkey,... Прочитај повеќе »
- Пченица | Грав производи | Ѓубрива | Уреи | Агро производи и артикли...
- Houston
- Соединети Американски Држави
Rospride Global Trading is authorized mandated to highly graded refineries in russian federation that have the potential and capacity to deliver quality petroleum products(our major area of... Прочитај повеќе »
- Сурова нафта | Ѓубрива
- Moscow
- Русија
With a view to better facilitating global trade, based on our past success performances with our partners since 1993, we set up co. in Singapore in April, 2010 and we have offices in China,... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Фунгициди | Гуми (клейове)
- Jakarta
- Индонезија
Java Indah is a mineral company which produce mineral and manufacture natural fertilizer origin from Indonesia.
In 1990, we established factory in Padalarang-Indonesia to produce calcium phospate... Прочитај повеќе »
- Фосфат ѓубриво | Ѓубрива
- Bandung
- Индонезија
UNITED ORGANICS PVT. Limited (UOPL) was incorporated in New Delhi in the month of March 2004 for the manufacture of Organic Manure and to set up an R D Center for the development of various... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Основно супстанции
- New Delhi
- Индија
Sinnet Overseas Trading Pvt Ltd...is an Intermediery company which was created by two highly enterprising people with a vision...The Chairman and CEO. The Company was founded with a purpose and a... Прочитај повеќе »
- Масло од кикирики | Црн чај | Ѓубрива
- Coonoor
- Индија
We are in to manufacturing and marketing of Eco friendly Agro Chemicals. We are manufacturing Mixed Micro Nutrients, Growth Promoters, Soil Conditioners, Cow Dung based Granules, Protein Hydrolysate... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Биолошки ѓубрива
- Ahmedabad
- Индија
We are introducing ourselves as "Prudence Inc." ("Pi" hereafter). Pi located at Jamnagar is a professionally managed organization involved in providing Innovative Industrial... Прочитај повеќе »
- Кока-Кола на гориво | Опрема за заварување | Ѓубрива
- Jamnagar
- Индија
Pharmachem Research Development Laboratories manufacturer and supplier of about 70 Laboratory and Fine Chemical and Allied Products, Dispersing Agent for Paints and Pencil . We specialize in... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Раст на растенијата регулаторот | Ветеринарна медицина
- Mumbai
- Индија
PROVIZER Pharma is a leading pharmaceutical exporter and manufacturer in India that specializes in manufacturing a wide range of pharmaceutical products such as tablets, capsules, oral liquid,... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Алкохол и hydroxybenzene и етер | Фармацевтски производи
- Surat
- Индија
Dear sir,
We are MFG Bentonite Granule since last 25 year. We have per day capacity 450 MT.
Our product is use in fertilizers as a carrier its use in pesticides company.
We are exporting rolling... Прочитај повеќе »
- Други железо | Ѓубрива
- Bhavnagar
- Индија
- Обработка на податоци | Паричници | Кожа облека | Ѓубрива | Подароци и Занаети | Облека | Рака тафтуваната килими...
- New Delhi
- Индија
We, Bronze Wing Trading L.L.C. have been providing our trade support to importers exporters for the last 14 years in various products like sugar, rice, wheat, grains, edible oil, palm oil, soybean... Прочитај повеќе »
- Комерцијална служба | Ѓубрива | Ориз
- Dubayy
- Обединети Арапски Емирати
It is with great pride and pleasure we introduce our company Destiny Exports (Located in Maharashtra, Sangli) is a leading Indian export company. We have a well-established. Our services have always... Прочитај повеќе »
- Соја | Свежи банани | Замрзнато овошје | Ѓубрива
- Sangli
- Индија
About Us
Incepted in the year 1995, D. D. Enterprises is one amongst the foremost manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of optimum quality specialty chemicals, fertilizers and industrial... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Сложените ѓубрива
- Pune
- Индија
Biocyte Agro Research Cente, with its manufacturing
facility at Kanjikode, now manufactures Biocyte
Nutri+, an improved organic manure, suitable for all
crops. Biocyte also manufactures... Прочитај повеќе »
- Свеж кокос | Ѓубрива
- Palakkad
- Индија
We, Central & Western Indian Chemicals, have been one of the leading names in the field of chemicals and minerals since our formation in 1983. Since then, our investment in equipment as well as... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Алдехид и кетонски и chinone | Филтри за вода
- Pune
- Индија
- Теписи | Панталони и панталони | Предиво | Ѓубрива | Завеси | Мобилните телефони | Ленени ткаенини | Перница покрива | П...
- Karur
- Индија
We are a consortium / Association of S. S. Subramanian BA BGL (60 Yrs) with more than
26 years of experience in the field of Marketing and Agency, having widely traveled
worked as Marketing... Прочитај повеќе »
- Купување на консултанти | Сол | Ѓубрива | Уреи | Агро производи и артикли...
- Chennai
- Индија
we are manufacturing company of Research product of bio available fertilizer, organic first of its kind fertilizers and pesticides. we export all agri commodities includes organic and inorganic... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Агро производи и артикли | Семе од зеленчук
- Rajkot
- Индија
Good Day Greeting From KGN-India
First of all many thanks for your inquire through alibaba.com and we are happy to provide Castor oil its Derivatives and Castor Meal for your end use.
Kindly... Прочитај повеќе »
- Рицинус | Ѓубрива | Агро производи и артикли
- Kheda
- Индија
ADANI EXPORTS LTD. Is India's largest, best known and most respected Private Sector Export House. Government of India has granted 'Goldern Super Star Trading House' status to the... Прочитај повеќе »
- Недвижности проекти | Силика | Ѓубрива | Метални отпадоци | Агро производи и артикли...
- Индија
Pioneers chemicals Factory co. established in 1998 to meat the increasing Saudi demand and the surrounding countries. The first stage was the production of the liquid fertilizers ad suspension... Прочитај повеќе »
- Ѓубрива | Други ѓубрива | Сложените ѓубрива
- Riyadh
- Саудиска Арабија
Manufacturer & Exporters of Fertilizers and Pesticides Seeds.
- Ѓубрива | Фунгициди | Antipyretic и аналгетски препарати, кинеска медицина | Phenylisopropylamine и соли (амфетамин) | S...
- Bhubaneswar
- Индија