
  • # 502, Na, Wonjong-dong Ojung-gu
  • Bucheon, Gyeonggi, 421-201
  • 韩国
  • 电话:82-11-92652977
  • 传真:82
  • 网站:

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We, 5B2F Mulit Technology, are manufacturing and supplying Japanese, France, China(Hongkong), Korean(LG, SAMSUNG etc.) customer with vacuum pump overhaul(repair) kit and used(as-is, repaired) vacuum pump and semiconductor machine parts and so on with best price quality.

And also do overhaul(repair) service business of vacuum pump.

Our business items are as followings.

1.Vacuum pump overhaul(Repair) kits for

1)Edwards :QDP40/80, QMB250/500 , IH80 overhaul kit, IH600/1000,

E2M40, E2M80. GV160

2)Ebara : AA10, AA10S, AA20, AA30, 40X20, 50X20, 80X25, A25S, AA40W, AA70W,

A150-T, ESR20, ESR80, ESR200,A10S,AAS100/200WN ,A30, A70.

3)ALCATEL : ADP122, ADS602, ADS1202, ADP81, ADS501, ADS301, ADS801

4)Kashiyama : SD90V3.

Also we are supplying various parts (bearing, sleeve, claw rotor, stator and so on) in parts(partially).

And possible to supply various parts with reverse engineering by costomer's intention with best quality prices.

2. Use pumps (as-is repaired(overhauled)) sales

Edwards, Ebara, Alcatel, Kashiyama, Leybold pumps and various Cryo pumps.

3.Used pumps overhaul(repair) service.

1)EDWARDS:QDP40/80,(EH)QMB250/500/1200/2600/4200, IL Series, IH Series, Rotary all model.

2)EBARA: A10S, A25S, A30W, A70W, A150W, AA20, AA40, AA70, AA100, AA200, and so on.

3)ALCATEL: ADP31, ADP81, ADP122, ADS501, ADS602, ADS1202 and rotary all model.

If you hope to get the quotation of used pumps (as-is, overhauled) and overhaul service,

please let us have the maker and item number and so on.

If you need to get quotation information of our items, please feel free to contact me.

I will send it to you at once.

Chulmin Kim


5B2F Multi Technology

#502, Na-Dong, Obok Vla,

283-3, Wonjeong-Dong, Ojeong-Gu,

Bucheon-City, Gyeonggi-Province, Korea.

Mobile: 82-10-9265-2977

Phone : 070-8267-2977

Fax: 82-32-677-4725




5 - 10人

