
  • Ćićarijska 41 c
  • Rijeka, Primorsko-Goranska Županija, 51000
  • Croatia
  • Tel:+385 51 260 209
  • Fax:+385 51 214330
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ABAM doo is a provider of products and services such as pasteboard,paper, waxed,paper, bituminised,paper, machine-glazed,paper, brush coated,paper, lacquered,paper, glazed, transparent,paper, carbon,paper, coated, for photocopiers,paper, coated, for facsimile (fax) machines,paper, coated, for posters,paper, coated, for packagings,paper, coated, for floor coverings,paper, coated, offset,paper and paperboard, laminated, for decorative packaging,paper and board, art,bristol-board,paper, corrugated,paperboard, corrugated, laminated,corrugated cardboard,corrugated cardboard, sheet lined,corrugated strawboard,corrugated fibreboard,paper, luminescent, phosphorescent,paper, coated, one side,paper, coated, two sides,paper, coated, coloured,paper, plastic coated,paper, emulsion coated,paper, coated, high gloss,paper, cast coated,paper, velvet and flock coated,paper, reinforced, laminated,paper, coloured, laminated,paper, laminated with paper, foil and film,paper, fabric laminated,paper, cork laminated,paper, silicone coated,paper, chromo coated,paper, nitrocellulose coated,paper, machine coated,paper for copperplate printing.

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