

Certified HQS/UPCS Inspecor.We provided inspection for all that home inspections. CERTIFIED MASTER INSPECTOR- Master Certified Inspector Board, Inc.is not a trade association or not a membership level. It is a board test dedicated to testing and promoting compentant inspectors with excellence in the inspection industry. Providing top-quality service is second nature. " we go beyond the basic walk through". All home's should adhere to Georgia Uniform Property Code Standards by law.

FULLY Code Certified ICC-R5 (CABO) Residential Combination Inspector. We've inspected thousands of homes in Atlanta and its surrounding areas. Our very high ethics, extensive home inspection experience as well as our excellent customer service will easilly reveal. Roof,plumbing,HVAC,Electrical,Drainage.

Onsite Enviromental services provided. Lead, Mold, air quality testing also availible.

Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association Member.

AHI of Atlanta Member Housing Institute,Inc

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