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Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron P) powder CAS no. 521-12-0




3 Sena (snin)



Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

What Is Drostanolone Propionate Powder

Dromostanolone propionate is the propionate salt form of dromostanolone and a derivative of DHT, it’s a tiny crystals white powder with powerful anabolic and anti-estrogenic properties, it’s known as”Masteron propionate & mast p” by most. Originally be released as a drug for medical use, saled under brand name”Drolban, Masteril and Masteron” for the treatment of women in breast cancer, but clinical trials were unsuccessful. However, Dromostanolone propionate powder entered into bodybuilding world later, it’s widely used by bodybuilders as a performance enhancer via injection intramuscular to gain better results when cutting. Usually this steroid sale online through underground black market from Dromostanolone propionate powder suppliers.


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Importazzjoni / esportazzjoni

100.00 Gram

Cost, assigurazzjoni u ġarr

T/T, BitCoin