
  • 10568, 169 Street
  • Surrey, British Columbia, V4N 3H7
  • Կանադա
  • Հեռ.:1-604-930-8686
  • Ֆաքս:1-778-394-0885
  • Url:

Գլխավոր էջ


Petit Tea, Canada is a Vancouver, Canada based company. We manufacture and exclusively market TEA STICKS in North America. Amazingly convenient to use and dispose, tea sticks let you steep whole leaf teas directly in a cup, any time, any where without the need for tea pots, strainers, stirrers or 'tea things'. Tea Sticks are a lifestyle product that offers luxury of anti-oxidant rich whole leaf teas with unmatched convenience.

A limited release at the Fancy Food Show in New York received an overwhelming response earlier this summer. We are now introducing this product selectively to high end retail stores in USA and Canada. TIME Magazine featured our TEA STICKS in their April 7, 2008 issue in the US. This story by Lisa McLaughlin selected our Tea Sticks among the best three tea innovations world wide.

Please feel free to contact us by e-mail, fax or phone.

Agile Polyventure Group Ltd (Petit Tea, Canada)

10568, 169 Street

Surrey, BC V4N 3H7

Phone: 604-930-8686

Fax: 778-394-0885

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