
  • Ulitsa Mnevniki, Dom 10, Korp. 1, Komn. 81
  • Moscow, 123308
  • 러시아
  • 전화:7-926-8085430
  • 팩스:7
  • URL:

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We are into production and wholesales of below as follows:

Plant growing.

Growing of cereals, industrial crops and other crops

Growing of cereals and leguminous plants

Growing of oil-bearing crops

Growing of tobacco and makhorka

Growing of sugar-beet

Growing of feed crops; stocking up vegetable feed

Growing of spinning crops

Growing of other crops


Landscape-gardening and production farm goods

Growing of mushrooms, collection of forest mushrooms and truffles

Growing of mushrooms and spawn (mycelia)

Growing of vine

Growing of other fruits and nuts

Growing of fruit and and berry crops

Growing of nuts

Growing of planting stock of fruit plants

Collection of wild fruits, berries and nuts

Growing crops for production drinks

Growing crops for production spices

Cattle breeding

Cattle rearing

Rearing of sheeps, goats, horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies

Rearing of sheeps and goats

Rearing of bees

Rearing of rabbits and furrry animals in farm conditions

Rearing of silkworm

Rearing of deers


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