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Ajay Industrial Corporation Ltd., the flagship company of the renowned Ajay Group, was established in 1961 to cater to the much awaited water efficient irrigation systems.

Today we are a leading manufacturer and exporter of All Kinds of Hand Pumps, UPVC Casing Screen Pipes, Pressure Pipes, Column Pipes for Submersible Pumps, Flexible Garden Hose, Flexible Layflat Delivery Hose Pipe, Drip Micro Irrigation Equipment, CPVC UPVC Plumbing Systems.

Our Compelte Product range includes:


1) Afridev (African Development) Hand Pumps

2) India Mark-II Deep Well Extra Deep Well Hand Pumps

3) India Mark III Deep well Hand Pumps

4) Treadle Irriagtion Pumps (Pedal pumps)

5) Ghana Modified Deep Well Hand Pumps

6) Direct Action Pumps

7) Force Lift Hand Pumps

8) Uganda Modified Hand Pumps (U2 U3)

9) Malda Pump


Cylinders for hand Pumps: Options like cast Iron cylinder with brass sleeved UPVC cylinder with brass lined and stainless steel cylinder with stainless steel plunger and check valves.


Tools and accessories: We have developed Fishing tool for retrieval of GI pipe and UPVC Riser pipes for Afridev hand pumps


a) UPVC Casing Pipes

b) Ribbed Screen pipe

c) UPVC Riser pipes for India Mark-II, Mark-III

d) UPVC Riser pipes with heavy duty moulded 3 pc coupler

e) Upvc Riser pipes with both sides stainless steel male and female socket

f) Stainless Steel Riser Pipes with Socket

g) Stainless Steel Riser Pipes with rope thread

h) Galvanised (GI) Iron pipes

i) CPVC Pipes Fittings for Hot and Cold Water Plumbing system

j) UPVC Pipes Fittings (Leadfree) for Cold Water Plumbing system

k) Reinforced Lay flat Delivery Hose for irrigation

l) Reinforced Suction Hose

Connecting Rods: Fibre Rods with stainless steel couplers for less force on handles, Mild Steel Connecting Rods, Eye hook Coonectors, Stainless Steel Connectibng Rods

Fishing Tools for retrieving of fallen connecting Rods

Drip irrigation system (drip, micro, landscape, rain irrigation products )

We are aso affiliated member of many prestigious business organizations like Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC), Plastics Export Promotion Council (PLEXCONCIL), Federation of Indain Export Orgnisations (FIEO) and many others.

Each of our products is an outcome of combined efforts to conserve Nature's precious resources through value addition. This is the legacy of a deliberate and conscious endeavor that stems from a deep-rooted concern for nature and agricultural sector.

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