
  • Vinohradská 76
  • Brno, Jihomoravský Kraj, 618 00
  • Czech Republic
  • Tel:+420 773 774 653
  • Fax:+420 548 210 680
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Alfa Styl s.r.o. is a provider of products and services such as glass, flat, blown,glass, flat, rolled or cast,glass, flat, reproduction antique,glass, lead,mirrors, unframed,mirrors, metal framed,mirrors, wooden framed,mirrors, plastic framed,mirrors, gold or silver plated frame,mirrors, ceramic surround, decorative,mirrors, curved,mirrors, aspheric,mirrors, flat and bevelled,mirrors, glass, flexible mosaic sheets,mirrors, bathroom,mirrors, cheval or standing,mirrors, safety and security, large angle of view,mirrors, two-way,mirrors, make-up (vanity mirrors),mirrors, handbag,mirrors for powder compacts,mirrors, hand,mirrors, beam splitting,mirrors, magnifying,mirrors, anti-frost,mirrors, illuminated,mirrors, glass, domestic, in do-it-yourself (diy) packs,mirrors, shaving, magnifying,tiles, mirror, in do-it-yourself (diy) packs,mirrors, vacuum metallised,mirrors, plastic,mirrors, period,glass, x-ray protection.

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