• Amicus St. ,
  • Sialkot, Punjab, 51310
  • 파키스탄
  • 전화:92-52-4603617
  • 팩스:92-52-4588777
  • URL:

회사 소개


As a propose contract manufacturer for your specific requirements, it is hoped that through this communication we can establish ongoing rapport and long-lasting partnership. As opportunity arises please have a look at our web site. We provide a wide range of products appropriate for your requirement. Some of these products include:


Fishing tackles

Professional hair dressing shears

Scissors (razor edge blades, adjustable screw)

Tweezers, nail cutters and nippers

Leather cases for manicure sets

We will be happy to respond with a quotation on any of your requirement, furthermore, we will ensure that our commitment will guarantee rapid turn-around, quality, always ready to respond, and importantly, cost-effective service.

비즈니스 데이터

사용할 수 없음

제조업 자

51 ~ 100명


우리의 위치