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Garages, prefabricated, reinforced concrete
Silos, concrete
Bus shelters and traffic islands/street refuges, concrete
Cladding, concrete
Walls, concrete, soundproof, prefabricated
Separation wall units, mobile, reinforced concrete
Ceilings, hollow, concrete, prefabricated
Eaves blocks and gutter units, concrete
Panels, concrete, for partitions
Panels, faced, concrete
Stands, concrete, for stadiums
Garden accessories and ornaments, concrete
Products, expanded concrete
Poles, concrete, for power lines
Masts, concrete, for floodlighting
Poles and posts, concrete, for street lighting and transport infrastructure
Poles, concrete, for telegraph and telephone lines
Posts, boundary, fencing and gate, concrete
Poles and posts, concrete, for agricultural use
Piles and pier footings, concrete
Fencing, concrete, ornamental
Meter boxes, concrete, for water, gas and electricity meters
Fittings, concrete, for flues and pipes
Drinking fountains, concrete
Sheets, concrete, for prefabricated panels
Chipping spreaders/aggregate spreaders
Scraping beams for concrete batching and mixing plant