
  • 70 Palmer Road, $04-07 Palmer House
  • Singapore, 079427
  • Singapore
  • Tel:65-62256838
  • Fax:65-62258810
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Applique maritime operates a myriad of shipping and maritime activities in the Asia pacific region. It has the expertise and highly qualified personnel to handle a wide range of marine services in the east Asian region.

Established in 1994, it is the ship management, shipbroking, claims demurrage handling arm. It is staffed by qualified personnel including ex-master mariners and maritime law graduates

Isthmus maritime classification S. A, appointed applique maritime as its representative office for Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

In conjunction with the isthmus maritime classification S. A. We are empowered to conduct flag States statutory surveys for Panama, belize, Honduras, Georgia, bolivia, etc.

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