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ARIADNE spol. s r. o. was established in September 1992 as a company manufacturing hand knitting yarns produced primarily for the international market. Over time, we began the development and production of our own products designed for the domestic market. At the same time, our equipment was being upgraded in order to develop a comprehensive manufacturing system for small lots and the specialized production of an extensive range of yarns for hand knitting. Our processing included everything from twisting and bulking, steaming and skeining to adjusting with an annual production volume of over 40 tons of yarn.

In addition to yarns for hand and machine knitting, Ariadne supplies shipping and storage bags for textiles. These bags are manufactured by refurbishing Australian wool sacks. These storage bags become useful not only in wool processing and cotton processing facilities but especially for the packaging of remnant materials, which are to be further processed, as well as for small domestic and foreign wool producers.

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