Hlavná stránka
Art Plast Sp. z o.o. was established in January 2006. The seat of Company is in Rzgow near Lodz/POLAND, while all RD and productions activities take place in Poniatowa near Lublin, where company has established its Productions Department.
In the initial phase of activity, Art Plast focused on re-granulation of post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate wastes (PET bottles). Soon after Company implemented technology of chemical PET modification allowing to produce PET based plastic compounds.
Trying to meet market demand, Art Plast were constantly introducing new plastics compounds: polyethylene terephthalate based (ArtPET), next polypropylene based (ArtPYLEN) and poliamide 6 based (ArtAMID6). Next company widen the range of offfered products by flame retardants and UV stabilizers. Simultaneously Art Plast was developing production of products based on own-produced compounds, this way we created series of stadium sets (produced out of special polypropylene, flame retardant and protected from long-term UV radiation) and series of technical fabrics (produced out of special polypropylene, flame retardant and permanently antistatic).
Dynamic development of Company was possible thanks to own well-equipped laboratory, where we conduct our RD works, allowing us prepare new technological solutions 'taylor-made' for client's individual requirements.
Currently Company's activities focus on:
- RD activites
- production of plastics compounds: polypropylene based (ArtPYLEN), poliamide 6 based (ArtAMID6) and polyethylene terephthalate based (ArtPET)
- production of platstics additices masterbatches (UV stabilizers ArtSHIELD, flame retardants ArtFIRE)
- production of specialized polypropylene technical fabrics (ArtiTEX)
- production of stadium seats (ArtSEAT)
- production of injection moulded details according to client's order
Having its own, well-equipped laboratory, combined with experience of management in conducting of RD works (ex-workers of Lodz Universities with doctoral degrees) allows to compete successfully with other companies and even occasionally with research institutes.
Currently Art Plast is ISO 9001:2008 Registered Company.
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