• 705-850 West Hastings St
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3J1
  • კანადა
  • ტელ:1.855.226.4678
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ჩვენს შესახებ


AURO is a complete public cloud that offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) services powered by OpenStack technology. AURO has been designed to meet the requirements of next-generation cloud-based, scale-out applications such as social apps, mobile apps, SaaS/PaaS deployments and Big Data analytics.

AURO focuses on agility, performance and economic benefits of leading public cloud providers, but deployable on your infrastructure and under your control.

AURO leverages key innovations pioneered by cloud infrastructure teams at Amazon Web Services and Google with an emphasis on both architectural and behavioral compatibility with leading public cloud services. AURO is a cost-effective elastic infrastructure, modular scalability, and production-grade features.

ბიზნეს მონაცემები

არ არის შესაძლებელი

არ არის შესაძლებელი

არ არის შესაძლებელი

არ არის შესაძლებელი

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