• Pk 15 Pavlovi 2-12
  • Humanes, Ida-Virumaa, 28970
  • Észtország
  • Tel:372-50-24562
  • Fax:372-39-24562
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BKS the technology is based on work ICC of radiators. You will see, as you look through these pages, that we have developed two various methods of use ICC of radiators: in vacuum that allows to accelerate and improve process of drying of wood, and without vacuum, for products where it is necessary.

Our continuous vacuum dryers-may be used both at low and at temperatures of drying-that himself allow the client to choose an optimum mode of drying necessary particularly for his conditions and a material. Use ICC of radiators highly effectively allows to evaporate to water from wood and process of evaporation goes subjecting a surface of wood to thermal changes which may cause a cracking and deformations.

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