
  • 1463 S. Lazona Dr
  • Mesa, Arizona, 85204
  • Yhdysvallat
  • Puh:1-480-2252248
  • Faksi:1-480-6367927
  • URL:



Bella Natura Teas was slowly formulated into a business after I had spent many years learning about the properties of Medicinal Herbs. On my free time, I started dedicating my time to help friends and family put together the right remedies to help with their medicinal needs. As time went by requests were coming in, emails were sent, people were calling asking about my handmade teas. I decided to turn my teas into a professional business. The uniqueness everyone craved about my tea is that they are all pure organic. The natural way of living has always been a passion of mine. Plants and herbs have brought us where we are today. I wish to help people with medicinal needs the natural way. Herbal teas have been around for centuries and have been proven to help with many medicinal complaints. The first herbal guide dated back five thousand years, herbal prescriptions were even writen in heiroglyphics on papyrus in Ancient Egypt. Unlike the US today foreign countries as Japan, England, France, China, and Germany are successfully using herbal remedies in treating serious ailments. Herbs in other countries are recognized as valid remedies and are often incorportated in conventional medical treatment. There are over 390,000 types of plants or plant parts valued for their medicinal uses. Currantly scientists are trying to catalogue the plants in the Amazon Rainforest with belief that there are several hundred thousands of potential cures yet to be discovered but unfortunantly being destroyed by developement. Due to lack of scientific data for many herbs we must still rely heavily on information transmitted through folklore, antique herbals, and word of mouth. I have often bought old vintage books that indians have listed herbal treatments and compared them to todays herbal remedies, and luckly the results are close to matching. Today herbal remedies are still the primary source of medicinal needs for 80 precent of the worlds population. Take the time to taste the simplicity of adding herbs into your lifestyle. Go the natural way!

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